The new ads-inside entail far more than plopping a can of Coke into the foreground.
The extent of the Israeli concessions it will entail has become clear in recent days.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Endgame For Israel: Barak��s Clever Strategy�� Revealed
Such a downdraft in the casino business would probably entail a default on its debts.
Was there some new news here that would entail these two outlets republishing this two-and-a-half-year-old story?
This strategy can be quite profitable for the founders and entail much less stress.
Tar sands take lots of energy to process, and therefore entail copious emissions of greenhouse gases.
This can entail everything from coding a piece of software to developing an experimental model.
FORBES: K5Launch: How an Accelerator Can Supercharge Your Startup
The panel basically acknowledged that what sounds great in theory would entail a tough culture change.
They will all entail the kind of public involvement that is required by the agency.
The second lesson is, as we have suggested, all about what those counter-offensives should entail.
Rather, it would entail the shredding of two arms control treaties, the ABM accord and START.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Soviet Wyoming Formula On Start Would Kill SDI
That would likely entail very healthy subscriber growth, which more than offsets its growing content commitments.
He says tech and chocolate startups both entail building the right culture and testing products repeatedly.
Justice does not entail a godless Leviathan commandeering business even if some Christians like the outcomes.
Officials said Wednesday new charges against Abbas would probably have to entail new evidence.
It might entail getting governments to expand recycling programs and accommodate bio-plastics in the marketplace.
This will most likely entail better privacy protection for individuals and more internal controls.
That's because such tinkering would likely entail more sweeteners for the U.S. sugar industry.
Labour talks about labour-market flexibility, but seems ignorant of what flexible labour markets actually entail.
Yet neither side would be likely to accept the implicit supranational authority this would entail.
Getting rid of Mr Ortiz over Mr Zedillo's objections would entail a massive political fight.
On the flip side, avoiding light can entail wearing sunglasses or staying indoors.
The conversions entail racks of gear, with some installations the size of a bus and costing millions.
That could entail running from one agency to another to see a handful of properties, he says.
This strategy is also likely to entail reductions in EPA budgets to assert fiscal and policy discipline.
Given what has gone before, that may seem like no bad thing but it will entail costs.
To back down now would entail a loss of esteem that the island's people might not tolerate.
It will merely entail those bent on evil acts to use other methods or other weapons .
It is a pity he did not start with the appendix and trace out what it might entail.
Indeed, American democracies entail fierce debate before the two sides would extend a hand across their respective aisles.