But today the U.S. finds itself entangled in the bitter rivalry between the two Koreas.
In the same period, UBS was also hopelessly entangled with Long-Term Capital Management.
He became entangled in the boat's propeller suffering injuries to his pelvis and leg.
BBC: Charlie Hutton's father calls for boat insurance clarity
Long entangled in its traditional film line, Kodak at last is making a big bet on digital.
Now, an ambitious new startup plans to map the entangled interactions between physicians and the healthcare industry.
Daniel Grant, who was two-and-a-half years old, became entangled in a blind cord at his family home.
Roosting bats can get fatally entangled in the fibers, which degrades the roofing membranes, invalidating their guarantees.
It is estimated that many thousands die each year in European waters after becoming entangled in fishing nets.
For years, he has been entangled in fraud, corruption and sex scandals that have often reached Italian courts.
Through the vertical glass panels shone a faint crescent moon, entangled in the tops of the tall pines.
Sharks regularly become impaled on hooks dragged by boats targeting high-value species such as tuna, or entangled in nets.
At least 15 firefighters were involved in helping the bird, which had become entangled in branches on Gentleman's Walk.
Only about 150 vaquita are left, and about 30 are dying each year through becoming entangled in fishing nets.
Undaunted, he played in uniform and managed to dislocate his knee when a spur became entangled in his watch-chain.
He did not become tightly re-entangled in his Estonian roots until nearly grown-up.
Giuliani Partners and its units have repeatedly become entangled in petty deals that seem unworthy of someone with national aspirations.
FORBES: As a businessman, he's been mixing with a sketchier crowd.
The Bosnian Serbs cannot look to Serbia itself for military help because its army is entangled in the Kosovo crisis.
Every year thousands of birds, seals, dolphins and marine mammals die by swallowing or becoming entangled in rubbish, the organisation said.
By the Fall of 1993 , the humanitarian mission was entangled in the competition between Somali clans for power and resources.
Some deer panicked and either became entangled in obstructions or ran out of strength, with drowning the result, the official said.
But what really disappoints Lee is that discussion of a promising treatment for a devastating disease becomes entangled in discussions of doping.
He still owns the two-acre site that has been entangled for years in a foreclosure suit initially brought by Lorig Construction Co.
The other two, B and C, are created further down the line in an entangled state, and sent off in different directions.
Roth, who pleaded not guilty, got entangled in a little-known area of export law that is alarming big business and scientific researchers.
Biller, now entangled in litigation with the auto giant, defended the company in product liability and negligence cases from 2003 to 2007.
The birds do not demonstrate the "spooky physics" of entangled quantum particles.
The world's largest bank, Citigroup, has been repeatedly entangled in money-laundering scandals.
First, establish if a firm is so large or so entangled within the financial system that its unexpected failure could be catastrophic.
The body of Mr McFarlane, from Weymouth, was found entangled in ropes attached to Purbeck Isle's two lifebuoys the day after the sinking.
Others become entangled in fishing rope, a particularly grotesque phenomenon since the thick ropes can rub through a whale's skin and hit bone.