• Any listener not meeting this requirement will not be able to enter for that instance of the competition.

    BBC: The Eavesdrop: Terms & Conditions

  • Winners and entrants put on air but unsuccessful are not permitted to re-enter the competition for one month.

    BBC: The Eavesdrop: Terms & Conditions

  • All UK schools can still benefit from the Schools Question Time Challenge even if they did not enter the competition by downloading free resources from the Institute for Citizenship's Schools Question Time website.

    BBC: Schools Question Time finalists announced

  • As more players enter the field, however, competition may make it harder for the new parking services to succeed.

    WSJ: New Turf for Sharing Services: the Driveway

  • Top-flight clubs will not enter the competition until the second round, although teams that have qualified for Europe are introduced a stage later.

    BBC: Clubs discover Carling Cup fate

  • That means new competition can enter the market there more easily, including competition from biosimilars--the equivalent of generics for biotechnology drugs.

    FORBES: Chief Executive Kevin Sharer

  • While the new regime ends NSI's monopoly over the award of top-level domain names, the Commission is concerned that highly restrictive provisions in its licensing agreements with companies wanting to enter the market for domain-name registration will discourage competition.

    CNN: European Commission probes NSI

  • But it also makes it much harder for competitors to enter the market, which ultimately can reduce the competition and the need to innovate.

    FORBES: Bundling Up IT

  • While pre-registration is recommended, visitors can still enter to play on the day of the tournament for the individual or team competition, but arrive before 10 am for the best chance of scoring a spot on the schedule.

    BBC: Knuckle down at England��s World Marble Championships

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