He's been pushing the idea of creating enterprise zones here since he was in opposition.
BBC: Business community's mixed feelings on enterprise zones
The LEP plans to develop the advanced-engineering sector, with the help of two new local-enterprise zones.
The government has announced locations for new "enterprise zones" in England to try to boost economic growth.
The Wirral Waters scheme was designated as one of 11 enterprise zones around the country in May.
Ms Lo said Northern Ireland could learn from Scotland where renewable energy enterprise zones are being set up.
Establishing tax-free enterprise zones in our devastated Gulf region would be a masterstroke.
But he knows he will ultimately be judged on the growth of the economy, inside enterprise zones and beyond.
Enterprise zones have succeeded in attracting needed capital to our urban poverty centers.
Ms Hutt also answered other questions on her priorities for Torfaen, enterprise zones and opportunities for Welsh Asian women.
There's also the added interest that the plant will be located in one of the UK Government's Enterprise Zones.
But critics of enterprise zones say they do not really create new jobs or investment opportunities, they merely relocate them.
Back in the early 1980s, when Michael Heseltine was environment secretary, the Conservative government introduced the concept of enterprise zones.
BBC: Business community's mixed feelings on enterprise zones
In the meantime, Leps are continuing to develop the region's four enterprise zones: in Northampton, Alconbury, Harlow and Great Yarmouth-Lowestoft.
It was one of the first wave of enterprise zones created by the Thatcher government back in the early 1980s.
Labour AM Ken Skates questioned the minister on the accountability process for the new enterprise zones announced on 19 September 2011.
No wonder there's fierce competition as this next round of bidding reaches its climax for the second wave of Enterprise Zones.
The funding for road improvements is intended to remove bottlenecks and boost the economy by improving access to local enterprise zones.
BBC: Tory conference: Cash announced for regional road plans
Let us place new dreams in a million hearts and create a new generation of entrepreneurs by passing enterprise zones this year.
Economist John Simpson watched the development of the enterprise zones in Belfast and Derry in the 1980s and has analysed their impact.
BBC: Business community's mixed feelings on enterprise zones
"I think the concept of enterprise zones was reasonable enough, but the reality was they displaced a lot of jobs, " he reasons.
His choice is that those with the most growth potential will take priority on this policy, as has happened with Whitehall's enterprise zones.
Later in autumn, we may learn more about the four enterprise zones promised by the administration when it renewed and strengthened its mandate in May.
The government has announced plans for 21 Enterprise Zones across England.
Northern Ireland Office ministers established enterprise zones in Belfast and Londonderry.
BBC: Business community's mixed feelings on enterprise zones
There are no tax reductions, enterprise zones or investment tax credits.
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We have repeatedly sought passage of enterprise zones to help those in the abandoned corners of our land find jobs, learn skills, and build better lives.
She also admitted that there was "a tremendous job" ahead to sell the enterprise zones and make inward investors aware of what they have to offer.
"This is the first step in bringing together the local authorities and enterprise zones that will benefit economically from the upgrade of the A14, " he said.
It is one of 24 enterprise zones in England, areas designated by the government for economic regeneration, offering simplified planning, business rate discounts and superfast broadband as commercial incentives.
The enterprise zones previously announced were: Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Derby, Nottingham, the Black Country, the Tees Valley, the West of England and the North East.