Mercer, a human resources consulting business, ranks nations according to how many holidays they entitle workers to.
However, a subscription to one network of hotspots does not entitle you to use others, so you may need one subscription in the airport, and another in the coffee shop.
However, even the guilty may suffer because their lawyer failed to raise mitigating factors which, by law, entitle them to a milder sentence.
That, in turn, can sometimes entitle them to, say, a free coffee or pizza.
Violation of your privacy in the form of data breach alone does not entitle you to reimbursement.
The company bylaws entitle customers to choose where 40% of the profits earmarked for donation go, while employees delegate another 30%.
"Freedom of expression does not entitle you to condescend or offend or insult people, " countered plaintiff Ali Emre Bukagili.
They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, nor does it entitle us to do as we please.
He could choose a fast-track, closed-door trial that would entitle him to a one-third reduction of his sentence if convicted.
They entitle holders to free local bus travel after 09.30 on weekdays and all day on weekends and public holidays.
BBC: Free bus passes 'have health benefits', UK study suggests
If I find a new way of taking gold and making earrings out of it, that doesn't entitle me to a patent on gold.
So there are no grounds for arguing that an "unreasonable veto" would entitle us to proceed on the basis of a presumed Security Council authorisation.
Apple's stance is that users who did such a thing would forever entitle it to 30 percent of the revenue, while Microsoft clearly sees things differently.
ENGADGET: Microsoft confirms 'a delay in approval' of updated SkyDrive app for iOS
If your donations entitle you to merchandise, goods or services, you can only deduct the amount exceeding the fair market value of the benefits you received.
As a sufferer himself, he is also a driver with a blue badge but that does not entitle him to free parking in his local area, Caerphilly.
Normal corporate governance such as prevails in the United States would entitle Yahoo to a voting interest in approving actions as vital to Alibaba as this one.
FORBES: Investing In China Is Fraught With Business Landmines
In Jamua village in the district of Araria, an NGO called Jan Jagaran Abhiyan found that 1, 710 job cards had been issued, which should entitle villagers to over 17m rupees in wages, if they had worked the full 100 days allowed.
All it takes for you to land that kind of return is a pair of children no more than four years apart, expensive tastes in private schools and family finances that would entitle you to a smidgen of aid when just one attends.
Although they may have made what now looks like a bad deal, it did not entitle them to termination under the Copyright Act because that bad deal was made with the knowledge and power of the termination right as it stood in 1992.
They say employers are using them to avoid agency worker regulations, which entitle agency staff to the same basic terms and conditions as permanent employees after 12 weeks.
But he said that shouldn't entitle the government to force him to buy a car.
WSJ: Conservative Justices Challenge Government Over Health Law
He learned that such keys open nothing and entitle the owners to zilch.
It does not entitle its holder to a share of any profits.
FORBES: Gold Inches Up As Goldbugs Seek Reasons For Historic Rout
Although an agency may flesh out the interstices of a technical regime, that discretion does not entitle the agency to arrogate to itself purposes outside the statutory provision it is applying .
FORBES: D.C. Circuit to EPA: Rules Must be Neutral, Not Aspirational
More broadly, the fact that any company can demand protection for the basic shape of a device, years before it had invented the actual device or technology, should not entitle that company to claim that it had patented the design for a smartphone any more than Richard Branson can patent business class travel in outer space.
As in most states, New Jersey courts entitle the surviving spouse to one-third of an estate, regardless of the will.
National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft even suggested that such a commitment of forces could even entitle the Soviet Union to seek cash contributions from the Saudis -- just as Washington did the week before.
Those interests however, did not entitle Berkman or his clients to ownership of Facebook shares, which is where the story takes another turn as Berkman then allegedly enlisted John Kern as legal counsel to help enable the fraud.
FORBES: SEC: Florida Financier Used Facebook's Pre-IPO Frenzy To Swindle Clients