For their part, the Iranians haven't wasted a moment pushing the diplomatic envelop still further.
Specially-commissioned music and soundscapes envelop visitors, but despite the hi-tech gimmickry, personal details make the experience emotional and affecting.
This is most evident when the planet is gripped by dust storms that can envelop the whole globe.
She got a fat envelop, and the acceptance, which again from a school, it was kind of a surprise.
Envelop yourself in this city's passion and 19th-century charm for an escape that is as genteel as it is surreal.
Dolby Atmos introduces a hybrid approach to mixing and directs sound as dynamic objects that envelop the listener, in combination with channels for playback.
ENGADGET: Dolby Atmos crosses the Atlantic in time for Barcelona's CineEurope 2012
She tried to envelop metallic fabrics, the textures of Gustav Klimt's portraits and a free-spirited mood all into the overarching theme of Art Nouveau.
Another day, another push at the cloud computing envelop for
Already, Asia's most senior statesmen are issuing dark warnings about the tragedy they see emerging in this complex, mostly Muslim, country, whose 13, 677 islands envelop the region.
The cheese shouldn't be runny, but should envelop the bread.
They should let this series demonstrate its uniqueness and its intention to push the envelop further, by starting off with a film about Hugo Strange and his Monster Men.
Having verified that the cords are pulled taut and solidly knotted, they envelop the woman in a large sack of heavy cloth and push her ahead of them into the corridor.
He would scoop it up -- he had a very relaxed way of scooping the ball into his gut, and he'd envelop it, then shift it to one hand or the other, and then he'd take off downfield ...
Vaccines are developed for polio, TB, AIDS, bird-flu and mad-cow type epidemics and pandemics that periodically threaten to envelop the world, with the feared trends actually resulting not in annihilation of the human species, but in an improvement in life expectancies.
But Google co-founder Sergey Brin's presentation at TED, in which he characterized wearing Google Glass as somehow more macho than pulling your smartphone out of your pocket, underscores the tone-deafness that can envelop Silicon Valley when VIPs get a little too excited about the Next Big Thing.