The results of the proposed project should contribute to improve capacity building in environmental monitoring, to assess the extent of contamination in specific regions, to raise environmental awareness among local population and to improve or amend environmental legislation in African countries.
Samsung's 64GB MicroSD Memory Card is designed to meet the security, capacity, performance and environmental requirements of leading-edge audio and video consumer devices.
ENGADGET: Samsung bringing 85-inch ultra high definition TV to CES HD
The old blast furnace was decommissioned in July last year before being completely rebuilt, incorporating the latest technology to improve energy efficiency, environmental performance, safety standards and capacity.
The UK National Commission for UNESCO (UKNC) draws on this knowledge to promote environmental science, help build scientific capacity in developing countries, improve access to scientific information globally and encourage gender equity in science.
The development of artificial intelligence-based approaches to junction control is one of many new and promising technologies that can make better use of existing urban and road capacity, while reducing the environmental impacts of road traffic.
But these environmental safeguards will also curb Belo Monte's capacity to generate power, which will vary with the flow of the Xingu.
Grazing antelope gaze at Bervy from a ridge as he peppers Murphy with questions about the ranch's mineral rights (the ranch owns a majority interest), the cattle capacity (up to 500 head) and environmental study (no contaminants were found).
Kitts-Nevis National MAB Committee has a key role and functions including, Advocacy and support of sustainable development, promotion and monitoring of scientific research, planning and management of Biosphere reserves, approval of Biosphere Reserve Proposals, capacity development of the local communities in resource management and environmental protection, the conservation of biological diversity.
Development, testing and deployment of ethically grounded policy and capacity-building tools designed to support national policies, with particular reference to environmental and societal change (including visibility and awareness-raising activities).
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (28/11/2011) SHS 322 - (P4)
Work on one new dam at Xiluodu on the upper Yangtze, which will rival Itaipu's power capacity, resumed last year after being halted for a few months for an environmental assessment.
The index combines five measures: available resources, access to water, people's capacity to afford and organise water supplies, use of water for domestic, industrial and environmental purposes, and environmental management.
Capacity prices were higher than last year due to retirements of existing coal-fired generation resulting largely from environmental regulations, according a PJM press release.
FORBES: Coal credits pressured by regulatory issues, coal-to-gas transitions