The spokesperson said the protesters were also campaigning over the safety of the site and its "environmental implications".
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said a final decision will be taken after "full consideration" of the environmental implications.
Yes, there are environmental implications, but Canada is now the biggest supplier of crude oil to the U.S., a lucrative--and enviable--position for any country.
It said the company was pressing ahead with its work despite the fact the public had not had the chance to debate the "far-reaching social, ethical and environmental implications".
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Patent sought on 'synthetic life'
They said it was to explain the financial, economic and environmental implications of HS2 but their critics saw it as more akin to a campaigning event staged at public expense.
"Since the environmental implications of the projects are not fully understood, BP assumes no liability for unexpected or unintended consequences of these projects, " the company said in a posting on its website.
Disturbed by the health, environmental and social implications (scavengers are regarded socially as untouchables), a sociologist and social reformer named Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak started an organization in the 1970s to address the problem.
Implications for environmental health of multiple stressors, Mothersill C, Seymour C.
FORBES: 1st Person | Facing an Unsettled Future After Radiation Exposure
Thousands of people have already objected to the plans due to its size, planned location, cost, environmental impact, health implications.
Objectors are unhappy at its size, location, cost, environmental impact and potential health implications.
Objections include its size, location, cost, environmental impact and potential health implications.
BBC: Javelin Park waste incinerator recommended for approval
On Wednesday, the London Assembly will discuss a six month report which looked into the financial, environmental, transport and sporting implications of bidding for, and hosting the Olympics.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | London Olympic site revealed
The note summarizes the broad scientific consensus on the potential impact of climate change on water resources and water users as well as helps us understand the environmental, social and economic implications.
If the project succeeds, it could have far-reaching implications for both the industry and environmental groups.
Such striking trends have strong implications for climate, weather and environmental and human health.
What are the practical implications of all this evidence for the physical, genetic and environmental roots of violent behavior?
The authors say they had to consider the implications for energy policy following a report from the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution.
Mr. FABIAN NUNEZ (California Assembly Speaker): California has had a history of taking leadership on environmental issues, but this, we believe, is going to have not just national but worldwide implications, with the goal of convincing the federal government that this country, who is the number one emitter of greenhouse gases, has to play a leadership role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the globe.
The on-going loss of tropical forests, and the implications that has for climate change, biodiversity, rural livelihoods and water supplies illustrates the reason why environmental groups are still very much needed, despite the successes of the past.
The most profound and serious indication of the moral implications underlying the ecological problem is the lack of respect for life evident in many of the patterns of environmental pollution.