These are the social issues: gay rights, gun control, abortion and environmental regulation, among others.
"There is no environmental regulation in New Caledonia, no legislation and no enforcement, " Hutton said.
Right now, the rules--from health regulation to environmental regulation to taxes to contract law--are uncertain.
The danger is that renewables producers grow to rely on special breaks and environmental regulation.
Support for strict environmental regulation among evangelicals has jumped from 45% in 2000 to 52% last year.
The better environmental regulation programme will help improve the way environmental regulations are applied in practice across Scotland.
This patchwork, plus changing environmental regulation, explains why so many utilities have avoided building new plants for years.
We are supposed to be here to represent all Americans, and Americans benefit from environmental regulation big time.
Republican politicians outside Nebraska are framing the decision as a simple choice between job creation and mindless environmental regulation.
For some time now utilities, faced with falling gas prices and the prospect of stricter environmental regulation, have been favouring gas over coal anyway.
ECONOMIST: New rules look set to speed the move from coal to natural gas
The influence particular companies wield on the 16 policy committees that shape the Chamber's stance on everything, from environmental regulation to e-commerce, is unclear.
On its Web site, the fund scolds corporate managers for not disclosing to shareholders the risks and costs of more environmental regulation, which many corporations have supported.
He supports gay rights, gun laws, environmental regulation and affirmative action.
Environmental regulation is well established to be good for the economy.
The Kochs are longtime libertarians who believe in drastically lower personal and corporate taxes, minimal social services for the needy, and much less oversight of industry especially environmental regulation.
The book seems to suggest that the path from scientific assessment to environmental regulation would be a straightforward business were it not for the kind of opposition that the authors chart.
But Tyson's proposal could spark a backlash from politically powerful business groups and meet with stiff opposition from Republicans in the U.S. Congress, who see environmental regulation and international accords like the Kyoto Agreement on greenhouse-gas emissions as a threat to opening markets and increasing trade around the globe.
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs would have a two-fer, due (1) to the fact LOST may require, among other things, the compromise of sensitive information about domestic industries in the name of environmental regulation, and (2) the growing allegations of corruption and incompetence in LOST's utterly unaccountable International Seabed Authority.
Officials abandoned that method of frogicide amid complaints of animal cruelty and because of environmental-regulation hurdles, according to frog experts and official reports.
WSJ: When It Gets Too Noisy in Paradise, They Call the Frog Whisperer
They have also been extremely active in the anti-wild horse movement that is determined to run rough-shod over every federal land-use and environmental law and regulation put into place to protect these horses.
The right government shoe policy is no policy: the shoe industry should be governed by the same general rules of property, contract, environmental and safety regulation, and so forth that govern every other industry.
FORBES: "Intervention" Is Inevitable When The Government Has A Monopoly
The government is walking a thin line trying to address environmental concerns with suitable regulation while also looking to boost employment and falling production among oil and gas majors like Exxon and BP by allowing new exploration projects.
In the most publicized case, a 5-4 landmark decision, the court ruled that greenhouse gases are pollutants and are thus subject to regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency.
The pending cap and trade tax legislation and Environmental Protection Agency global warming regulation threaten to cripple the economy with high cost and unproven energy, the specter of which is also is already killing jobs.
In addition, local traditional healers, or amchis, are not only responsible for provision of health care, but also for environmental management, such as the regulation of grazing in alpine pastures.
Although regulation remains the most usual form of environmental policy, green taxes are gaining ground.
This was the start of Medicaid for the poor and, later, increased regulation of industry through bodies like the Environmental Protection Agency.
Thinking now about environmental impact helps companies get in front of inevitable future regulation offering a jump on unprepared competitors.
WSJ: Patagonia's Founder is America's Most Unlikely Business Guru
Activists saw it as the place where environmental, workplace safety, consumer products and other areas of regulation often stalled or died.
Last Friday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) amended an obscure clean water regulation that restricted use of aluminum in automobiles because of a potentially harmful byproduct created in the manufacturing process.