The web has not brought about the degree of social change some had envisaged 20 years ago.
An unexpected suggestion turned me onto real estate rather than the stock portfolio I envisaged.
As others have said, no one could have envisaged what happened that tragic day.
BBC: World Trade Centre: Could the attacks have been prevented?
He said this envisaged "a role for new nuclear providing there is no public subsidy".
It is envisaged that the Trust's centre will be open to the public by 2011.
His scheme, known as 'rolling devolution', envisaged devolving powers gradually to a new legislature.
"She would not have envisaged the kind of marriage Prince Edward has in mind, " he said.
The set of ideas born in 1993 in Oslo envisaged a step-by-step process of confidence-building.
But it will still be too much for the pace of change envisaged in the Basic Law.
In terms of scope, all three missions now carry significant differences from how they were originally envisaged.
The Palestinians' interpretation of Oslo envisaged the three redeployments amounting to some 85% of the West Bank.
All this means that today's railway system bears little resemblance to the one envisaged a decade ago.
However, nobody is sure how long any of the envisaged phases prior to elected government will last.
They envisaged a microbicide-containing lining for the vaginal tract that is a squishy solid rather than a liquid.
ECONOMIST: A novel idea for stopping the transmission of HIV
To be able to offer all the services envisaged for the system will require 12 more satellites, however.
"I couldn't really have envisaged his success back then as he was quite small at school, " said Townsend.
Describing Hiddleston "one of our leading young classical actors", Rourke said she envisaged Coriolanus would be a "contemporary" production.
Their future may not be quite what was once envisaged, but it will be no less remarkable for that.
He wondered if Alexis de Tocqueville had ever envisaged a scene like this.
Mokoena added that Safa envisaged appointing the new coach before their friendly against Australia in London on 30 March.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Applications flood in for SA job
This runs right against the grain of what that old-school capitalist Henry Ford envisaged for the modern US economy.
U.S. officials have envisaged that NATO allies would make up a large part of the residual force after 2014.
He envisaged two or more different kinds of membership co-existing side by side.
By October 2008 the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) had reached 1.1m people, exceeding the 920, 000 it originally envisaged.
The changes can, he believes, deliver the 50% increase in organ donations over five years envisaged by the taskforce.
Growing numbers have become permanently and cripplingly dependent on what was envisaged as a temporary measure in hard times.
Furthermore, it is currently envisaged that the documentary will also be broadcasted by local television stations in participating countries.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Jubaland, in the far south, is sometimes envisaged as yet another semi-autonomous zone.
More than half of the envisaged corporate fixed investment in large projects has been coming from infrastructure since 2008-09.
FORBES: Infrastructure Investment in India Falls Off a Cliff
Unlike previous treaty changes, this one envisaged no loss of sovereignty for Britain.