The best way to prevent a human epidemic, of course, is to end the avian one.
Those figures do not include the number of cases during this year's Swansea epidemic.
With dedication, persistence, and ingenuity, we can put an end to the diabetes epidemic.
And it's timely -- we're seeing an epidemic of age-related macular degeneration with our aging population.
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"This is a growing epidemic, " says Dr. Hamish Cameron, a vice president at AstraZeneca.
Yet faced with evidence of this disastrous epidemic, the DSM-IV did not delete the diagnosis.
The toll of the HIV epidemic among Black men in the United States is staggering.
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Pfizer says those results were "remarkable, " given that the epidemic killed 10% of those infected.
The epidemic devastated the region economically, although in the end few farmers went bankrupt.
What are your feelings about how healthcare workers or the government should address the sitting epidemic?
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We exchanged letters every Christmas until he passed away in the flu epidemic of 1918.
The total figure for the epidemic in the Swansea area now stands at 942.
Although the epidemic is centred around Swansea, cases continue to be reported across Wales.
"Diabetes may be a more important driver of the TB epidemic globally than HIV, " she said.
Quite the contrary, its failure to sell triggered a Schadenfreude epidemic throughout the art world.
Although the epidemic is based in Swansea, cases continue to be reported across Wales.
If there were a simple solution, then this epidemic of violence would have ended.
This epidemic of syphillis and other diseases stopped when the network changed, the authors argue.
And these markets are a way to help reduce the obesity epidemic affecting this country.
This epidemic of uncertain care is an unintended outgrowth of a decades-long boom in elective surgery.
That is an epidemic that upper management has embraced to capture the elusive cost containment phantom.
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But it's an illusion to think that just providing treatment will stop this epidemic.
Speaking of McDonald's, the fast food industry itself is being reshaped by the obesity epidemic.
Bonds, of course, is controversial because he has been linked to the steroids epidemic in baseball.
The epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002-03 suggested a wider exposure zone, however.
Realistically, the epidemic will persist until and unless these broader social ills are addressed.
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Second, universal access to diarrhea treatment does not guarantee an end to the epidemic.
FORBES: How private distribution companies can help reduce diarrheal disease
Ideally, he said, a response to the epidemic would include more investment in prevention efforts.
CNN: CDC: More Americans HIV-positive than previously believed
"It's as if the restaurant industry hasn't heard there is an obesity epidemic, " Wootan said.
The money is for countries which have been hardest hit by the Aids epidemic.