• Yach, who is fifty-five, is an affable and smooth-talking South African epidemiologist whose specialty is non-communicable diseases.

    NEWYORKER: Snacks for a Fat Planet

  • Otis Brawley, an epidemiologist and breast-cancer specialist who heads the American Cancer Society, notes such estimates are all statistical presumptions.

    WSJ: Can Breast Cancer Be Overtreated?

  • Too often, "the abnormality on the screening test has become the disease, " says Peter Bach, a pulmonologist and epidemiologist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • World-renowned epidemiologist Dr. Nathan Wolfe is following the hunters.

    CNN: Tracking deadly viruses' spread from animals to humans

  • Arizona, for example, has seen a twofold increase in salmonella reports, with an uptick beginning in June, said Dr. Joli Weiss, food-borne disease epidemiologist for the state Department of Health Services.


  • Trained at Wayne State and the University of Michigan as a physician and an epidemiologist, Brilliant sees a near-certainty that another AIDS, ebola or bird flu is coming, likely caused by human-animal interaction.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Family history remains one of the most important predictors of an event for an individual, " says Donna Arnett, a genetic epidemiologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and president-elect of the American Heart Association.

    WSJ: Seeking Clues to Heart Risk in a Patient's Family Tree

  • For this reason, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends alcohol-based products in addition to handwashing for health-care workers, says Katherine Ellingson, an epidemiologist at the CDC.

    WSJ: How Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizers Hold Up

  • Indeed, everyone over age 55--some 60 million people in the U.S.--would benefit from statins, argues Nicholas Wald, an epidemiologist at the University of London.

    FORBES: Pills for Everyone!

  • "There are a few cases where no pig exposure could be found, so we think those are are human-to-human transmissions, " said Dr. Joseph Bresee, an epidemiologist in the CDC's Influenza Division.

    CNN: CDC: Increase seen in new swine flu strain

  • More research is needed to tell for sure if lead-shot meat poses a risk to people, said Dr. Steve Pickard, an epidemiologist at the North Dakota Department of Health.

    CNN: Should hunters switch to 'green' bullets?

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