Every capitalist investment has the potential for a dual yield: a financial profit and an epistemological profit.
FORBES: Magazine Article
But even as money is lost, epistemological profit is gained, distilled through the learning effects of direct experience.
FORBES: Magazine Article
He likes to superimpose a trelliswork of latinate formulations (grids of the apodictic, the epistemological, the asymptotic) upon the subject at hand.
CNN: Lance Morrow: We lose a great speaker, we gain a great book
That epistemological view of fear, unfortunately, blinds us to the ways in which we fear ways to be, not things to know.
FORBES: In Our Fear-Based Economy, Fiscal Cliff Talks Obsess Over Income, Ignore Net Worth
This question, which at its more fundamental level is related to deep-seated epistemological and methodological controversies over objectivity in the social sciences, is of utmost practical relevance in the field of migration and multiculturalism which has been characterized by rather close relations to public policy concerns.
UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences