• Both diseases also affect internal eye cells known as retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells.

    FORBES: Embryonic stem cells: can we make the blind see?

  • There are about 5 million neurons in the olfactory epithelium, or about 5, 000 neurons for each of the 1, 000 different receptor types.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Working with rats, Axel and Buck pinpointed 1, 000 types of "olfactory receptors" located in the back of the nose, on a spot called the olfactory epithelium.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But I had suspected that the contraceptive and lubricant industry had tested the concentrations of nonoxynol-9 they used to be selective cytotoxins to spermatocytes relative to vaginal epithelium.

    FORBES: Sex Safety and Personal Lubricants

  • He then wants to take moulded sheets of artificial skin to build up the intermediate layer, the dermis, before adding the outer epithelium graft employing new approaches that lift thin, 20-cell-thick slices from elsewhere on the body.

    BBC: US Army seeks new ways to treat facial skin injuries

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