The 19th century, by virtually all accounts, was a fantastically creative and fertile epoch.
It was the epoch of churning out another piece of converged electronics nobody needs.
Director Adam Shankman takes an epoch rich in cheesiness and lays it on think and pungent.
According to, Epoch also has big holdings in Microsoft, Comcast, Exxon and Danaher.
They record an epoch before the Endeavour impact when there was aqueous activity at a near-neutral pH.
We have already been given a glimpse of what this new epoch of Big Data will look like.
As well as giving Facebook mountains of cash to invest, an epoch-making IPO will also have wider repercussions.
The preceding Palaeocene epoch was also brought to an end, the rocks suggest, by a sudden release of methane.
ECONOMIST: A geological burp may have led to the dinosaurs�� domination
It takes months just to change the daylight savings rules, let alone the entire epoch of the operating system.
Epoch A, which is essentially our past and present, is all about humans figuring out how to live longer.
Takara or Epoch, Japan's third-and fourth-largest conventional toy makers would be easier prey.
Since the epoch of supposedly subpar returns got under way, the global stock market has been enjoying markedly above-average returns.
Another big global dividend payer that Bill Priest of Epoch Partners likes is Canadian telecom BCE, Inc. ( BCE).
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William W. Priest, CFA and CPA, is the CEO and co-CIO of Epoch Investment Partners, a money management firm.
Instead, Tea Partiers signal that society is beginning to perceive, and trust, that the epoch of total war has ended.
Having only recently emerged from an epoch of total war, the U.S. responded by going on to a total-war footing.
Though the Cretaceous asteroid cleared the stage, mammals did not really get going until 10m years later, in the Eocene epoch.
ECONOMIST: A geological burp may have led to the dinosaurs�� domination
According to Erica Wagner, Literary Editor of The Times, such epoch-making events have traditionally proven to be great canvasses for the imagination.
Other competitors in the financial sector include: Westwood Holdings Group, Inc. (WHG), Diamond Hill Investment Group (DHIL), and Epoch Holding Corp (EPHC).
People in our social networking epoch have the attention span of fleas.
The saying goes that a week is a long time in politics, today has shown that an hour can seem like an epoch.
Here at the foot of the Acropolis you are reminded that human beings do remarkably similar things from one historical epoch to the next.
This is especially problematic for Mr. Maliki and other officials who have made it their mission to erase any reminder of Hussein and his epoch.
It was the epoch of developing a bold new computing platform.
And Jonas Salk's Epoch A sounds quite familiar in the reports about deciphering the human genome and identification of genetic basis to disease and ailments.
Mammoths first appeared in the Pliocene Epoch, 4.8 million years ago.
Thomas also notes that many shallow-water species went extinct during this epoch, lending credence to the idea that GRB-precipitated solar UV radiation could have been the cause.
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But Salk figures this longevity kick will plateau out eventually and we will soon enter Epoch B, where we figure out what to do with all this extra life.