Have the floor painted with an epoxy that can stand up to hot tires.
Meanwhile, the canning industry has been hard at work on alternatives to BPA-laced epoxy resins.
White epoxy concrete terraces continue the indoor flooring, connecting to each other and to the outdoors.
Jones fashioned new frames out of carbon-fiber-reinforced epoxy, the stuff of Boeing 787s.
Mr. Sunderman's garage features an epoxy-coated floor, as well as gold- and bronze-colored wainscoting on the walls.
The rain seemed to melt off the bike, which is sealed with epoxy and finished with linear polyurethane.
Another example, which no one really realised, was the Sumitomo epoxy resin plant that burnt down in 1993.
The workshop is a curious mixture of epoxy fumes and stacked cow pelts.
It can, however, disappoint by drawing attention to things like epoxy resin (too obscure) or cellphone chargers (not so delightful).
The plastination process involves replacing the natural body fluids with synthetic materials such as silicone rubber, epoxy resin or polyester.
Most of the new can liners are actually reformulations of the lacquers used before epoxy took over in the 1970s.
The molecules in question are the two ingredients of epoxy resin.
Once there, reclaimed Teak is used to repair any damage to the original wood and specialist epoxy resin adhesives are used to bind cracks and fissures.
The council's executive committee will be asked to approve a two-phased approach, with the first including a new grey surface using epoxy resin replacing the red tarmac.
The works look as through they are lifted straight from an underground geomorphic wonderland, but the intense craftsmanship behind these sculptures made of epoxy resin and LED lights is evident.
Instead, eers PCS-250 headphones rely on a unique SonoFit fitting process in which silicone epoxy slowly oozes into the ears, swelling to the precise shape of each of your canals.
BPA, as its known, is a chemical used to make the epoxy mix that line canned goods and prevent them from spoilage, preserving canned goods and saving tens of thousands of lives every year.
Eventually, by applying just the right amount of an adhesive epoxy known as rat glue to just the right spots on the inside of the crown, they got the club sounding and reacting the way Wagner liked.
But its biggest and most controversial application is as a hardener for making polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins the materials of choice for manufacturing clear, shatter-proof bottles, spectacles, medical devices and CDs as well as dental coatings and linings for food cans.
There is no shortage of issues swirling around the food industry, and one of the most debated topics involves the compound bisphenol A. Known by its acronym BPA, it has been used for many decades in a wide array of industrial and consumer applications, ranging from hardened plastics to the epoxy safety lining of many food and beverage cans.