That Gross Debt would cross 100% of GDP, equal to our entire economy, in 2020.
FORBES: President Obama's Predictable Budget: More Spending, More Tax Increases
Rask, playing this deep in the postseason for the first time, proved equal to the challenge.
On average, each Volt will add electric demand equal to a couple of home refrigerators.
In the second chart, I have illustrated how wave 5 is equal to wave 1.
FORBES: Elliott Waves Point To Apple Turnaround On The Charts
An exabyte is a unit of information or computer storage equal to 1 quintillion bytes.
ENGADGET: Cisco: mobile connections will hit 10 billion by 2016, helped by tablet boom
Span in Experimental Animals with Activity Level of the Oldest Animals equal to the Youngest!
FORBES: Extradite Andrew Wakefield To Face Fraud Charges In The UK
That's equal to 6 million football fields, she said, although she says that's a conservative estimate.
As a result, natural gas is now equal to coal in total generation market share.
FORBES: Electricity and Gas Markets Are Out Of Synch: Sooner or Later, This Will Hurt Us
Women's contributions, skills and experience are equal to men's and must be rewarded accordingly.
If you have debt equal to 100% of your income you can probably handle it.
FORBES: The Real Danger Of Raging Debt Loads And Slow Growth
Having a transfer tax equal to income tax rates will likely make hoarding cheaper.
And ten minutes (without sunscreen) is equal to 10000 international units of vitamin D.
This is our highest priority and it deserves a response that is equal to the task.
All told, heirs of the superrich paid taxes equal to 15.4% of the estate's total value.
In March short interest peaked at 800, 000 shares -- equal to 13%of the float.
It is equal to the GNI less income payable as current transfers plus current receivable transfers.
One PPP dollar is equal to 1 US dollar spent in the United States.
BBC: Global migrants: Which are the most wanted professions?
Say your employer covers you for a death benefit equal to a one times your salary.
FORBES: Will IRS Get A Piece Of Google's Generous Death Benefits?
That's equal to the output of a town of 60, 000 in a rich country.
It finished with a spectacular flourish equal to the rock concert setting at Invesco Field.
Companies on average gave an amount equal to 1.2% of their 2008 profits in 2009.
That's equal to the box office revenue that films bring in at the nation's movie theaters.
Italy saw a single-digit decline in sales for Q1 this year, equal to all of Europe.
If you get a Gift Bag, you have taxable income equal to its value.
The annuity is equal to the value of what's been contributed plus the Sec. 7520 rate.
Greece is a major beneficiary of EU aid, equal to about 3.3% of annual GDP.
The eight top executives used to share a bonus equal to 10% of net income.
And Jack Lew is somebody who has proven himself already equal to this extraordinary task.
Standard 35mm film is capable to resolution equal to 20 million pixels or more.