They live several blocks from the World Trade Center and had dealt with that with equanimity.
The list includes his wife, house, career, possessions, equanimity and place in the world.
To the contrary, he exuded a robustness of spirit and an amazing equanimity about his fate.
Sit back, develop your equanimity, and let yourself become part of the song.
Yet that nomination did not lead to an Oscar consideration, something Gere accepts with good grace and equanimity.
In that sameness, in the ordinary, in the equanimity of average, we are given the opportunity to explore.
Silently and with complete equanimity, he comes to terms with his failing marriage and his own eerily detached personality.
ECONOMIST: New fiction: Toaster-tossing and other losses | The
The cops in "Polisse, " members of a child-protection unit within the Paris police force, can barely maintain their sanity, let alone their equanimity.
The markets took off again the following day, until Alice Rivlin, another of the Fed's governors, indicated that not everyone shares Mr Greenspan's equanimity.
The pain and trauma associated with his illness was, of course, but one of the things Ron Silver suffered with extraordinary equanimity and courage.
Having finished his puffin homage, Breton views with equanimity the commercial consequences of his decision not to prostitute his product in order to sell it.
Happily, the movie lectures on nothing at all, choosing instead to reveal, with dry wit and equanimity, the pain and promise of this new global culture.
Although India is one of Sony's best regions, Michael Grindon, who runs the international side of the business for Mr Feltheimer, views the prospect with equanimity.
Positive earnings surprises will probably also be greeted with equanimity.
Like Reagan, he has a basic cheerfulness and Midwestern equanimity.
While the re-opening of the Gotthard tunnel may be viewed with equanimity now, the scene looks set for pitched battle over its future, as people prepare to vote next year.
Clarisse responded to each accusation with equanimity and patience.
Yet there are hawks on Golan withdrawal, both in the coalition and in the opposition, who contemplate with equanimity the eventual creation of a Palestinian state in most of the West Bank and Gaza.
The movie's coda, though, is memorable -- the camera studying Ms. Bening's face as Julia, alone in a restaurant after the show, savors what she's just done, then looks out to a middle distance, as if to her immediate future, with an equanimity that slowly blooms into fondness.
As the film observes with an excess of equanimity, fans and musicologists alike have claimed to find the secret of the Motown Sound in everything from the label's stars to its producers or the wood on the studio floor, yet they've overlooked, or underheard, the most obvious source of all, the studio musicians.
And Alan Greenspan's decision this week to raise interest rates by just a quarter of a point, never mind that it was the first increase for two and a half years, will do little to disturb their equanimity: the change had been widely expected and when it came the markets applauded politely (see article).
For the day, Roberts lost some of his customary equanimity as he brooded about making such a public mistake. (He went to the White House the next day, and the oath was repeated, correctly, to forestall any challenges to its legality.) Since then, Roberts has put the embarrassment behind him and even made it the subject of a little humor at his own expense.