• Li said in his national teleconference on Monday that the focus of government should be shifted to creating a favorable environment for development, providing quality public services and maintaining social equity and justice.

    FORBES: China Crossing The Rubicon As Reform Agenda Moves Forward

  • The impact of doping in sport transcends the spheres of sport, because it can affect young people's expectations with respect to the set of values that underpin our society, first and foremost values of equity and justice.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Gisbert Glaser, ICSU and Coordinator of Science and Technological Major Group, observed that the problems facing the environment, economics, equity and social justice are intrisincally linked.

    UNESCO: State of the Planet under discussion

  • This year, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) is marking the occasion with a variety of activities whose main purpose is to promote tolerance, equity and social justice through access to quality basic education and lifelong learning.


  • If Pennsylvania's teachers want to educate kids about justice and equity, they can start by ending a strategy that uses students as pawns to extract more taxpayer dollars.

    WSJ: Striking Against Students

  • The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training acts as part of the United Nations' mandate to promote peace, justice, equity, poverty alleviation and greater social cohesion.

    UNESCO: Education

  • Key themes of SD in the region include among other things poverty alleviation, citizenship, peace, ethics, responsibility in local and global contexts, democracy and governance, justice, security, human rights, health, gender equity, cultural diversity, rural and urban development, economy, production and consumption patterns, corporate social responsibility, environmental protection, climate change, prevention and adaptation, natural resource management, biological and landscape diversity.

    UNESCO: Education

  • We are confident that true justice can be applied to the separate decisions, based on law and equity.

    CNN: Napoli hit with match-fixing related points deduction

  • His latest pronouncement concerned Justice Department laxity in persecuting bank fraud and how this must lower the value of bank equity because of public distrust.

    FORBES: You Won't Make Money Believing Nattering Nabobs Of Negativity

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