The eradication team remained in camp under a tight security lockdown for ten days.
"Eradication of counterfeit drugs should be treated as an international health emergency, " she says.
Edlund said malaria eradication is a critical first step towards making the African economy productive.
There were 35 cases of polio in Pakistan in 2012, according to the Polio Eradication Initiative.
The WHO is positive about the chances of eradication of the disease in Africa.
Brilliant sees the convergence of his experience in networks, technology and disease eradication in mystic terms.
But unlike manual eradication, spraying may merely wipe out one harvest, rather than the plant.
Together, we are supporting the Global Polio Eradication Initiative's new six-year strategic plan for eradication.
WSJ: Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg: Our Plan to Eradicate Polio
In 2011, India, considered the most difficult place to achieve eradication, was declared polio-free.
WSJ: Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg: Our Plan to Eradicate Polio
The largest animal eradication project the world has ever seen is set for its next phase.
The governments of Hong Kong and Malaysia also are reporting more aggressive eradication measures.
Panel 2: Challenges to youth development and opportunities for poverty eradication, employment and sustainable development.
"One of the great causes of this generation is the eradication of child poverty, " he said.
However, SNH board members have been advised that total eradication is the only viable option.
But the danger with all elimination or eradication campaigns is that the goal becomes all-consuming.
He has been previously involved in polio eradication campaigns in South Sudan, Darfur and Somalia.
Plan Colombia is a controversial five billion dollar coca eradication plan introduced in 2000.
He said the test is easy to do and eradication only takes five days.
It has been hard in the past even to measure whether eradication was working.
The eradication team entered the fields on the desert side and began whacking the stalks with sticks.
Many Bolivians came to accept coca eradication in the Chapare as a necessary attack on organised crime.
There is more to this than the eradication of excess capacity or the shift of production inland.
The eradication of smallpox was possibly the greatest victory of science over disease in the history of mankind.
The UN says that Pakistan could be the "last polio reservoir worldwide" standing in the way of eradication.
To the Chinese leadership, there were other priorities, like education, agriculture, heavy industry development, eradication of diseases, sanitation.
Dr Kochi also challenges the foundation's recent proclamation that the total eradication of malaria is a realistic goal.
But humans are kind to the dengue mosquito, and have not, as yet, made its eradication a priority.
Bedbug eradication, he says, "is a bit like being a social worker, " dealing with clients distraught by infestations.
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These days, most talk about aid acknowledges the fact that good government is a precondition of poverty eradication.
He said these included a commitment to the eradication of bovine tuberculosis, forestry issues, countryside management and Europe.