Wesley Snipes claimed he was innocently duped by errant tax advisers, and a jury agreed.
Eventually the corporate police stamped out errant behavior and insisted on generic projects to please everyone.
Celebrities may have multiple handlers, and even non-celebrities move and may not receive errant mail.
The hunt for Dorner also led to two errant shootings in the pre-dawn darkness Thursday.
Just keep an eye out for errant cell phone videographers whenever you begin to bloviate.
And like the Hearsts, the Gettys also went to Mr Coblentz for help with errant children.
Another law allowing adulterous wives to be jailed prescribes mere fines for errant husbands.
Like errant knights we dismount our Jeep and marvel at the citadels and castles blazing against the blue-marguerite sky.
Woods told reporters he stood "two yards" behind the spot of his errant shot before the drop.
The son of Norwegian farmers from Minnesota, he looked every bit the errant Viking that he was.
Captain Camara has blamed errant officers for the September killings, exacerbating tensions in his own ruling group.
The central drama of becoming arises from a wildly errant throw by Henry, which injures a teammate.
On Wednesday, an errant Israeli airstrike in Gaza killed three members of a family in a car.
Mr. Louis occasionally picks up errant cricket balls that land amid his battered sedans and tosses them back.
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Mr. Mahathir is just the latest high-profile knight errant charging the dragon that is scorching our spending power.
In another apparent breach of protocol, no ushers came running to find the errant phone and neutralize it.
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She will be the most famous jailbird created during America's current campaign to bring errant executives to justice.
But the largest question is whether New Yorkers will get past his errant tweets and subsequent lies about them.
Errant clubs could see sections of their stadiums closed after the first offense.
The distraught, devoutly Catholic grandmother forgave the errant driver, Kim Yong Jae, 24.
Though Rome has censured errant theologians before, it has rarely resorted to excommunication.
Then again, maybe you just saved that errant file directly onto your desktop?
In October, five Turkish civilians were killed when errant Syrian artillery shells struck the Turkish border town of Akcakale.
Dow of the University of Houston Law Center proposed impeaching errant justices.
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We are unaware of any injuries as a result of the errant bomb.
Crosby hasn't played since taking an errant shot to the face in a game against the Islanders on March 30.
But one way or another, the case of one errant congressman may have a profound impact on the voting pattern.
It was a harmless piece of winter, an errant cold cloud making a pit stop here, inflicting no permanent damage.
But more errant play from tee to green saw him finish with a disappointing bogey six for level par 70.
Choi overcame some errant tee shots on the back nine with a birdie-birdie finish to salvage a 70, one behind.