• Nor is it the eloquence or the erudition or the IQ level of members.

    CNN: Transcript: House debates articles of impeachment

  • What is undeniably true is that Hodgman has parlayed his false erudition to unexpected renown.

    CNN: 'PC' explains almost everything for you

  • Their unique combination of incompetence and erudition is sure to find new opportunities outside of Wall Street.

    FORBES: Digital Rules

  • It's amazing how forgiving men can be about a woman's lack of erudition, if she is exceptionally pretty.

    WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Susan Patton Told the Truth

  • But Mr. LaPratt said a sommelier shouldn't simply rattle off facts or dazzle his audience with his erudition.

    WSJ: Daniel Boulud's Sommeliers on What Makes a Great One | On Wine by Lettie Teague

  • Too often he seems to want to impress hardcore engineers with his erudition rather than enlighten lay readers.

    ECONOMIST: Praise the baud | The

  • It is intellectually lazy of Kilson in particular to take such a tack, since he's renowned for his erudition.

    NPR: Author Comes to Hip-Hop Music's Defense

  • If erudition and populism mixed giddily that day, so did thoroughness and irrelevance.

    ECONOMIST: The impeachment hearings

  • One by one, at the front of the chapel, people talked about Canaris, his charm, his modesty, his insight and erudition.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Gone Tomorrow'

  • Nonetheless, that readers were agitating for a Bierce volume at all speaks, I suspect, to their generally high level of engagement and erudition.

    WSJ: The Historian's Stories

  • As a historian, I know well the musty scent of book mold wafting up like some pheromone of erudition from a long unopened tome.

    FORBES: OMG: Old Media Guilt

  • It was almost like being back in Harvard, but now he was a professor, dispensing erudition, occasionally raising a chuckle from an attentive audience.

    ECONOMIST: Stanley Marcus

  • The erudition of John Julius Norwich, Cooper's son, may have led him to assume that the only editing necessary was a winnowing of the entries.

    ECONOMIST: High society

  • Encouraged into the field by Elizabeth David, four decades of his scholarship and erudition were recognized last year when he was awarded the Erasmus Prize.

    ECONOMIST: Obituary in brief

  • Friendly, of the federal appeals court in New York, who was legendary for his scholarship and erudition, but was not known as an especially partisan figure.

    NEWYORKER: No More Mr. Nice Guy

  • Mr. Magill's range is extraordinary, and his wit, erudition and powers of observation give credence to judgments that might otherwise strike us as just a tad, well, insincere.

    WSJ: Book Review: Sincerity

  • Like all Mr Jacob's books, this is a literary marvel, full of wit, erudition and wisdom, and it deals with one of the fundamental questions of human existence.

    ECONOMIST: Genetic science

  • Bringing together his huge erudition, scrupulous fairness and elegant prose, Mr Darwin has produced a wonderfully stimulating account of something that today seems almost incredible yet was, in historical terms, only yesterday.

    ECONOMIST: The British empire

  • With elegance and erudition, Mr Overy opens a window into the mind of a generation a generation with anxieties both very different from and yet surprisingly similar to those of our own today.

    ECONOMIST: Britain between the wars

  • But he wears his enormous erudition lightly, and for all its musical, cultural and even philosophical insights, this is a wide-ranging and approachable book that will appeal to pianists of every level.

    ECONOMIST: Pianos and pianists: Perspirations | The

  • Mr Hitchings reviews such matters with cool erudition.

    ECONOMIST: Breaking the rules of grammar

  • Anwar's openness emerges in part from his erudition.


  • The talent and erudition, the political views and beard-and-bandanna look, all of it meshed with his avowed taste for tobacco and alcohol to make him a romantic outsized figure: part rebel, part intellectual, part Latin hunk, part superstar.

    WSJ: Soccer: Socrates, Brazil's Philosopher King - Marcotti

  • With impressive erudition, the author travels across China, India, the Islamic world and different regions of Europe looking for the main components of good political order and at how and why these emerged (or failed to) in each place.

    ECONOMIST: Theories of history

  • The driven, abstemious Mr Radler enjoyed sweating profits from small, neighbourhood newspapers in their native Canada, while Lord Black cut a dash as a budding media magnate with his eye for a deal, strong conservative views and flashy erudition.

    ECONOMIST: Conrad Black's story

  • This is just one of the many uses to which this iconic building has been put, vicissitudes which are traced with verve and erudition by Mary Beard in this highly readable book, the first in a new series on ancient buildings, which Ms Beard is also editing.

    ECONOMIST: Classical antiquity

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