But, as Graham Rye points out, just enough room has been left for escapism.
Hirose says the penchant for creating small, controllable worlds has nothing to do with escapism or isolationism.
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The festival might be dominated by the Hollywood mainstream, but escapism had no place on the agenda.
Bang for the buck and "affordable escapism" is what people want, agrees Scott Steinberg, publisher of DigitalTrends.com.
Open World games to me are just cathartic, allowing for more escapism than any other type of game to me.
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There are other explanations for cinema's renewed popularity, including comfier seats and a quest for escapism, or for communal entertainment, in troubled times.
The success of the film in the US has been attributed to the US public's desire for escapism in the midst of war with Iraq.
But the band has also moved on from escapism to coping with the uncertainty of adult life, with increased attention to musical subtlety and storytelling.
Not even Disney believes it can prosper by selling escapism alone.
Among the picks in Ms Benson's "Top 10 acts of escapism in Vegas" is a rocking weekly arts fest you may never have heard of called First Fridays.
And they wonder whether the Wanderjahr truly offers much escapism.
It's one of the consequences of the escapism of Hollywood.
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Fans sang along with hits from their formidable back catalogue, enjoying the sci-fi escapism and virtuoso frontman Matt Bellamy's classical flourishes before trudging back through sodden campsites to their tents.
Glover points out how distasteful slavery is through his sensitive words and actions, in case your ringing ears (or escapism-obsessed cranium) won't allow you to draw the conclusion on your own.
It is common to equate gaming with escapism.
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The second trend is towards immersion, in which people seek premium experiences on huge TVs and in theaters, and they want nothing to get in the way of their escapism: that's why the Olympic footage we saw had no commentary and no info-rich graphical overlays -- nothing except what a person at the event would see or hear.
ENGADGET: BBC shows off 33-megapixel Super Hi-Vision Olympic footage, we ask: why?