And for that, I am extremely grateful especially on this day when we recognize those that have died in service of our country.
Now, there are a lot of stories here in Joplin of unthinkable courage and resilience over the last year, but still there are some that stand out, especially on this day.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Joplin High School Commencement Ceremony | The White House
Contributing factors could be anything from the time in the day that the activity was scheduled, over scheduling every single moment of the day (especially on a retreat), holding the event outside of work hours, or just picking activities for the team that may not be what the group really wants to do.
That may not last for long, especially given that a 34-day market slide has left valuations on the cheap side of average.
And then you can also throw in the perennial issues that seem come up in every U.S. election season such as same sex marriages (voters in six states are to be balloted on that issue on election day) and abortion -- especially in South Dakota which passed a law virtually outlawing all terminations earlier this year.
Drinking alcohol is just as hard on a person as smoking, especially someone that drinks more than a drink or two a day.
The collapse is especially strange when you consider the fact that shares of PWER were up about 6% on the day prior to the posting.
Officers especially want information about anything that happened between 06:30 GMT and 08:00 GMT on the day of the fire.
It seems possible to me that some people decided on the day it was not worth showing up, especially if, as yesterday, it was raining.
The late-day rally was sparked by financial shares, especially the brokers, which began rising on rumors that the Fed was imminently to cut interest rates.
There's something about quotes on mugs, especially as handsomely rendered as the Quotable line was, that could have coaxed me to stay all day.
He said there was "no lack of US institutions which continue to conspire against our people and especially the national government, which is why we're going to take the opportunity to announce on this May Day that we've decided to expel USAID".