• Mr Fox has said the proposals will put the established church in an "anomalous and absurd" position.

    BBC: Gay marriages: Government publishes legislation

  • Whether it's a new or established church, donors have a right to ask how their donation will be used.

    WSJ: Trust in the Lord��But Check Out the Church

  • The third complication is that England has an established church whose authority has been intertwined with the state's for five centuries.

    ECONOMIST: Church and state

  • Labour and the Lib Dems back the proposals to legalise same-sex marriage, but Labour said the exemption for the established Church was "disappointing".

    BBC: Gay marriage: MPs set to vote on proposals for the first time

  • The government's thinking was probably that it needed to protect the established Church with a law prohibiting gay marriages to avoid possible legal challenges, he said.

    BBC: Gay marriage: Church says government move 'absurd'

  • But, because of the highly cautious structures of the established Church, a two-thirds majority was needed in all three houses of its General Synod to effect change.

    BBC: Women bishops vote: media reaction

  • England is an odd place: a secular country where an established church still has a role in public life (and, on the ground, does much unsung good).

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Whereas the established Church of England is still trying to reconcile inherited privilege with a shrunken flock, their Catholic compatriots have had their muscles toned by some hard battles.

    ECONOMIST: Catholics in Britain

  • Ultimately, the doctrinal issues that motivate many of the characters in the book are less important to Delibes than the unequal struggle between an established church and a repressed minority.

    FORBES: An Inquisitive Novel

  • If he ever became king, and therefore head of the established church, Prince Charles would have to swear an oath to defend its teachings, including those condemning divorce and remarriage.

    ECONOMIST: Crisis? What crisis?

  • The new archbishop, as the head of the established Church, needs to be able to speak to the other people in authority, such as David Cameron and Nick Clegg, about these issues.

    BBC: Gold cross surrounded by candles

  • But the establishment clause in the constitution was intended to prevent the creation of an established church, on the model of the Church of England, not to prevent religious believers from expressing their beliefs in the public realm.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Some of the few liberal-minded priests in the church fear these trends will lead to an established church of beautiful but empty symbolism to the detriment of other things the church should be doing, such as charity and education.

    ECONOMIST: Russia

  • The CofE spokesman said there was no wish for "protection or exemption for ourselves in ways that are any different from any other Church", though it was accepted that its unique position as the established Church would require particular legislation.

    BBC: Gay marriage: Church says government move 'absurd'

  • The Old Etonian apparently due to be named as the new head of the established church has a huge, unsustainable financial deficit to shrink - which is perhaps redolent of the challenge faced by another Old Etonian who became head of government in 2010.

    BBC: Holy pension hole

  • The Greek Catholics, who follow Orthodox-style rites but are loyal to the Vatican, re-established their church in 1991.

    CNN: Pope John Paul II

  • The Tanzverbot was first established by the church and was later adopted by many city governments starting in the Middle Ages, said Wolfgang Kaschuba, director of the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University in Berlin.

    WSJ: In Germany, Some Want to Boogie Every Day of the Year

  • However, once a church becomes established, with a hierarchy and a trained ministry, its clergy acquire theology degrees, often losing the raw certainty of their faith in the process.

    ECONOMIST: Christianity

  • Archbishop Sentamu thinks the church should stay established, but conventional he is not.

    ECONOMIST: Rowan Williams��s successor will have an even harder tenure

  • Anglicans, belonging to a church that is established by law as a national body, are afraid that if the bill becomes law any of their clergy who refuse to perform a same-sex marriage ceremony will face criminal prosecution.

    FORBES: The War On Drugs: A Defining Moment

  • Sahfe's Shihab al-Din mosque was established as a triumphalist mosque adjacent to the Church of the Annunciation in the lead up to the millennium.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Addressing Israel's homegrown enemies

  • Argentina's northern province of Misiones, named for the settlements established during Spanish colonial times by the Catholic Church's Jesuit order, juts like a finger far into Brazil and Paraguay.

    WSJ: Bird Watching in Misiones Province, Argentina

  • In doing so, she proposed the "endorsement" test, which established a judicial standard to measure the limits of church-state interaction.

    CNN: A sensible justice

  • Society family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves.

    NEWYORKER: Looking for Someone

  • The church, although still officially banned from educating Cubans, established summer "training programs" for Cuban teachers, whose corps had been hit hard by talent leaving the island.

    WSJ: Two Clerics Differ on Cuban Reform

  • "The Personal Ordinariates were established by an Apostolic Constitution, the highest form of legal document in the Catholic Church, " he said.

    BBC: Pope Francis 'said Ordinariate not needed' - bishop

  • The Church of Jesus Christ Of latter Day Saints is the most economically successful faith community to have ever been established in the United States of America.

    FORBES: In An Election About the Economy, Mitt Romney Should Embrace His Mormonism

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