Last month, Mr Jenkins ordered all Barclays staff to sign up to a new ethical code of conduct or quit.
Nevertheless, one of the primary motivations for medicine's ethical code is the asymmetry of information that exists between doctor and patient.
The white paper backs the idea of a new ethical code to govern the behaviour of Britain's 20, 000 councillors and 2m council staff.
So, all you scrupulous non-exploiters of glitched coupons, looks like you could have made off like bandits had your stern ethical code not gotten in the way.
FORBES: EA Honors Games Purchased With Origin Store Coupon Glitch
The spokesman said the firm had undertaken steps to "address the shortcomings" revealed in its data protection practices, including a revised ethical code of conduct which was introduced in 2009.
Which publicly held American company involved in this story had an ethical code embedded in its business practices that would simply not allow the Wikileaks data from being passed on?
At the same time, Scott recognizes that even though he doesn't believe an ethical code was breached, that the league has to make strides to show fans, coaches and players that the officiating is held to a high standard.
On the contrary, procedures that rely on the statement of explicit reasons systematically exclude those individuals who are less able to engage in the articulate persuasion of majorities but who may still possess valuable knowledge embodied in the exercise of entrepreneurship, a practical skill or adherence to a particular ethical code.
While the main considerations of the charter are preventing the illegal use of robots and protecting the data that they acquire, the task force set to draft the code have not overlooked programming ethical standards into the automatons of the future.
In deciding that the Code of Conduct complied with the NLRA, the General Counsel considered the Code within the overall context of the Ethical Guidelines.
FORBES: NLRB Grounds Union Challenge to Boeing's Code of Conduct
All the rows, all the ethical problems and all the money spent in pursuing the human code for life will have been well worth it if it fulfils even some of its medical promise.
The Code of Conduct is part of almost 40 pages of ethical policies and business compliance issues.
FORBES: NLRB Grounds Union Challenge to Boeing's Code of Conduct