It resulted in one of the three admonishments issued to DeLay last fall by the House ethics committee.
Larry Craig (R-ID) has asked the Senate ethics committee to dismiss an ethics complaint against him.
The 62-year-old recently has an appeal against his sanction rejected by FIFA's ethics committee.
Just in the past week, the House Ethics Committee began taking testimony about Foley.
Conrad is consulting with the Senate Ethics Committee because there are rules against senators taking gifts.
In DeLay's case, he presumably could seek to restore the House Ethics Committee to operating condition.
The suit was filed against House Speaker John Boehner, then-Ethics Committee chair Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.
Vladimir Pekhtin has resigned his seat in parliament, where he was head of the ethics committee.
Hastert is far from the first House speaker to testify before the ethics committee.
Waters' case has placed a harsh light on the Ethics Committee's operations and procedures.
Many Republicans say Democrats gain two political advantages by keeping the Ethics Committee blocked up.
The powerful Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay was admonished three times by the Ethics Committee.
So while the Ethics Committee is stalled out, the thicket of charges only grows.
The ethics committee announced the appointment of a special counsel for the Ensign investigation in February.
CNN: Senate committee refers Ensign case to Justice Department
The House ethics committee began investigating Kim last year and started taking testimony in the case this month.
CNN: Kim Escapes Prison Sentence But Still Faces Ethics Panel
Whatever happens to the House Ethics Committee, Jack Abramoff faces investigations by a Senate committee and the Justice Department.
The House Ethics Committee, apparently duped by glory-hunting reporters, is investigating Rangel for an alleged 13 different ethics violations.
But Senate GOP leaders did not offer support for their colleague, and instead called for an ethics committee review.
Is the White House concerned about the Senate Ethics Committee reviewing allegations that he's involved in some sort of scandal?
Democrats didn't urge him to drop out even after the usually see-no-evil Senate Ethics Committee sharply reprimanded him in July.
Kevin Smith, head of the Society of Professional Journalists Ethics Committee, says he laughed when he heard about the program.
That he may have to amend his ethics, his financial disclosure reports if the Senate Ethics Committee tells him to.
Fifa's Ethics Committee will meet before the end of the year, but the committee's agenda is never published in advance.
To talk about where the House Ethics Committee is now, you have to remember what was happening a year ago.
In March, Jackson decisively won a heated primary despite being the subject of an investigation by the House Ethics Committee.
The Senate Ethics Committee found McCain guilty of nothing worse than poor judgment, but Keller says McCain was deeply affected.
But the ethics committee won't formally rule until later this month, and Democrats say Gingrich should step aside until then.
Getting a project on that past an ethics committee might involve an interesting act of communication in its own right.
Despite the Idaho senator's move to fight his conviction, fellow lawmakers remain adamant about an investigation by the Senate Ethics Committee.
The penalty stemmed from the ethics committee's finding that Gingrich misled the panel during its investigation of ethics charges against him.