If someone from one EU member states dies in an EU state that is not their home country, inheritance issues would be dealt with under the law of the member state where they last had their "place of habitual residence".
The Court of Auditors is based in Luxembourg and was established in 1975 under the Budgetary Treaty, made up of one member from each EU country.
Three decades later, their country became a prosperous EU member, albeit with an oversized banking sector and a dicey tax haven status.
However, a number of MEPs expressed strong opposition to the country becoming a member of the EU, especially due to the decades-long dispute over Cyprus.
Under the changes, a self-employed worker who contributes to the social security system in one EU country, and then moves to another member state that does not have unemployment insurance for the self-employed will be able to claim unemployment benefit from the country where the worker was last based before becoming unemployed.
The ministers also aim to stop "asylum shopping" - the phrase used to describe how would-be refugees move through EU member states in an effort to find the best host country.
"Even if you come from a big EU country, you should be aware that every member of the eurozone is systemically relevant, " Mr Rehn was quoted as saying in Germany's Der Spiegel magazine.
The tradition in the EU, he notes, is that member governments never gang up on another country and isolate them on a point that touches their fundamental interests.
This proposal could see the profits earned by a multi-national company shared proportionately among member states according to how much of it was earned in each EU country.
The BBC's South East Asia correspondent, Rachel Harvey, in Rangoon, says that on the part of EU member states there is both a political desire and a practical interest to get more aid into the country.
EU-wide criteria would make clear which country's legal system applies when an inheritance concerns more than one member state, a move designed to reduce costly legal disputes and cut red tape for heirs.