As Norway's integration with the EU intensified, he suggests that media, public and political understanding shrank.
BBC: Non-EU Norway 'almost as integrated in union as UK'
Britain and other member states objected to Mr Verhofstadt's federalist vision of EU integration.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Patten quits EU presidential race
And he will argue that deeper information sharing rather than harmonisation is how the EU should pursue integration, building on Brown's successful riposte to the proposal to establish an EU withholding tax on income from financial securities.
BBC: Referendum St
All the same, there is no denying that France and Germany are currently driving European integration, with the EU's other members relegated to the back seats, some happier than others.
ECONOMIST: Rendezvous in Versailles | The
Mr Cameron says that there is a chance, and need, to redefine the UK's relationship with the EU because of moves towards further integration by countries using the single currency.
BBC: Ed Miliband: PM's EU strategy 'incredibly dangerous'
Even Germany's constitutional court has raised a red flag to further EU integration.
ECONOMIST: The European Union after Ireland's vote
He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU policy area.
ECONOMIST: Bagehot: English for Schadenfreude | The
So we will work with the EU to facilitate more trade within the region, build on existing agreements to promote integration with U.S. and European markets, and open the door for those countries who adopt high standards of reform and trade liberalization to construct a regional trade arrangement.
WHITEHOUSE: Moment of Opportunity: American Diplomacy in the Middle East & North Africa | The White House
In December, the UK prime minister blocked the idea of changes to EU treaties to bring about closer fiscal integration within the eurozone, saying the move was not in Britain's interests.
BBC: Cameron and Sarkozy hail UK-French relationship