His eureka moment came when he added a catalyst known as TBAB, short for tetrabutylammonium bromide.
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Eureka Park is at The Venetian, Level 3, Lido 3101, Murano 3201-3301, San Polo 3404.
Consequently, says Farra, local companies like Eureka Forbes must position themselves to compete or to be acquired.
The University of Rochester picked a different "eureka" moment, when scientists figured out exactly what the drug should do.
The company will be exhibiting its new products at Eureka Park, a specialized TechZone exhibition area with The Venetian.
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Megan McKenzie of Eureka, California, also gave the assignment her own original twist.
Your eureka moment lies in realizing that you can do the reverse of what the car companies have been doing.
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That approach misses the point of robochemistry, which aims to produce not a single eureka moment but thousands upon thousands of incremental advances.
At the same time politicians in Brussels and Washington, grappling with the blocked Middle East peace process, had a eureka moment.
And I'm Alex Chadwick exploring rural Nevada from the town of Eureka.
If he really thinks it's that easy being green he ought to meet James Hurst, 54, a lumber mill owner in Eureka, Montana.
While the new face of Indian capitalism may be Wipro and Infosys, Eureka Forbes has showed steady growth since its inception in 1982.
Her eureka moment came when she noticed that sandals and other walking shoes had straps on the back to hold the heel in place.
Fleksy makes it possible to type accurately without even looking at the screen, and will be on display within the Eureka Park exhibit area.
Eureka Forbes (unrelated to this magazine's owners) has an approach to sales that is well-worn in the West but is not so common in India.
It's ten o'clock on Sunday morning in Mumbai, and Suresh Goklaney is embarking on a round of sales calls for the Indian company Eureka Forbes.
Some miracle drugs emerge from eureka moments, but more often a new compound results from years of meticulous, plodding work championed by a true believer.
Goklaney says that Eureka Forbes welcomes the influx of global players.
Broadbent said his eureka moment came when he was emptying a bathtub in a high-rise hotel and noticed how quickly the water flowed down the pipes.
That someone in government had a Eureka moment, and served up the idea of paying for the payroll tax cut with increased mortgage insurance premiums is extraordinary.
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The start-up, featured here at CES 2013's Eureka Alley, specializes in creating automated solutions for a variety of security applications (think: SWAT busts, radiation level monitoring, etc.).
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Mr Parekh, 31, grew up in Mumbai but left the city to live in the US. He returned to India seven years ago and had a "eureka moment".
His short stories at Eureka College are of professional quality.
Eureka Forbes cuts out the middleman and instead uses a team of young salespeople to give in-house product demonstrations and convince consumers of a need that they didn't know they had.
The film deftly gets audiences to switch allegiance from Zuckerberg to Savarin to Parker through the course of the plot, as eureka moment turns into start-up, turns into bitter court battle.
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"You don't get your eureka moments sitting in the lab, as much as you do talking to a colleague over coffee, " says Alan Fish, Johns Hopkins's vice president for real estate.
In the mid nineteen-nineties, Xerox built a system called Eureka that was a kind of social network where technical representatives could swap ideas on how to install and fix machines around the world.