• Barclays' misconduct relates to the daily setting of the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor) and the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (Euribor).

    BBC: Barclays: Cameron says bank faces 'serious questions'

  • And yet, throughout this period, the Euribor - the Euro Interbank Offered Rate, also caught up in the Barclays manipulation scandal - has been faithfully reported, day in day out, by more than 50 European banks.

    BBC: Inconvenient truths about Libor

  • In the past four business days, three European banks have said they will stop providing data to help set the euro interbank offered rate, or Euribor, which serves as the basis for interest rates on trillions of euros in loans and other financial contracts.

    WSJ: Third Bank Exits Euribor Panel

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