• Also evident is the impact of the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the 60s and 70s that witnessed the intensification of farming powered by the widespread use of agrochemicals.

    BBC: Thames archive reveals long nitrate rise

  • Oxfam believes the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) encourages over-production of goods, but this has been disputed by farmers' leaders.


  • At the least, you might think, these could lock in impressive reforms in Latin America and encourage further watering-down of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy.

    ECONOMIST: Fifty years on | The

  • Changes in the exchange rate also reduced the value of European payments made under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), he suggested.

    BBC: Farming incomes in Scotland 'fall by a fifth' from 2011 high

  • Alun Davies AM supported the party's motion calling on the assembly to recognise the importance of the budget of the European Union for the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and regional funds.

    BBC: Plaid Cymru debate on european funding

  • Upland farming has been hit by a triple whammy in recent years of the beef crisis, a collapse in lamb prices and the phasing out of European subsidies with the reform of the common agricultural policy.

    ECONOMIST: The north-north divide

  • The United Kingdom clung obstinately to the rebate secured in 1984, refusing to accept the principle of a freeze on it unless other European spending, such as on the Common Agricultural Policy, is discussed again - unthinkable for France...

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | EU's 'Waterloo' summit angers press

  • Andrew RT Davies AM said on 1 March 2011, that Rural Affairs Minister Elin Jones AM should be "working to have an unified position" with the UK government in discussions over the future of the European Union's (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

    BBC: Debate on CAP reform

  • European leaders said high prices showed the protectionist common agricultural policy needed to be preserved.

    ECONOMIST: Buying farmland abroad

  • The party's manifesto for the European Parliament elections sticks to the usual bromides about reforming the common agricultural policy and cutting red tape.

    ECONOMIST: The damage that the UKIP could do to the Tories

  • The European Commission unveiled proposals to reform, modestly, Europe's common agricultural policy .

    ECONOMIST: Murder in Afghanistan

  • France's President Francois Hollande rejected proposals to cut spending on agriculture, saying "the Common Agricultural Policy is not a French policy but a European one".

    BBC: EU budget summit opens with hard bargaining

  • They want to protect spending programmes from which they benefit, such as the Common Agricultural Policy or Regional Funding for poorer areas of the European Union.

    BBC: EU struggles to reach budget agreement

  • Labour's deputy minister for European programmes, Alun Davies, said Wales had benefited from the EU's common agricultural policy (Cap) payments to farmers and structural funds to improve the economy.

    BBC: Welsh assembly members vote against cut in EU budget

  • The notorious Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) already eats up about euro42 billion a year, roughly half of the European budget.

    ECONOMIST: Sowing trouble | The

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