And we also agree on the need to remain actively engaged with our Eastern partners in Europe, and to advance their political association and their economicintegration with the European Union.
There were also the tensions caused by Germany's reunification and the crises within the European monetary system, which raised the prospect of economicintegration going into reverse.
Outspoken on world economic policies and an unapologetic proponent of Europeanintegration, Soros has recently called the design of the euro "very flawed" and described the situation as an "existential crisis" for Europe.
European leaders announced an agreement overnight on deeper financial and economicintegration, including tighter anti-deficit rules and with sanctions for those who do not follow them.
They don't really care about the plight of European leaders at the mercy of an economic crisis that demands one thing: great integration - but could prompt a political crisis demanding the exact opposite: a looser Europe.
His strongest positive proposal is European rather than British: a plea to reverse the Monnet tradition of putting economic before political integration, which he argues has become unsustainable against the horizon of the single currency.
With such economicintegration the eurozone countries would inevitably start agreeing policies that would impact on the European Union as a whole, including the single market.