He expected the leaders to come to a decision on Sunday, and to submit their proposal to the 12 remaining European Union member countries at another summit on Wednesday.
European Union member countries are introducing such laws, even though experience in America, where they are already in force, suggests that making older people hard to fire discourages companies from hiring them.
Last March, the European Union's member countries agreed to a binding target to boost overall renewable energy use by 20% before 2020.
Substantial Foreign Interest in Defenses: It is these threats, and the advantages of space-based defenses to ameliorate them, that have caught the attention of the Western European Union, whose member countries are already exposed to short- as well as longer-range ballistic missile threats.
But it has met international opposition, particularly from the European Union, which has several member countries with investments in Cuba.
It's funded by contributions from member countries around the world, the United States and European countries being prominent amongst those providing funds for the bank.
Still, the European Union is trying to get its member countries to try something like this, and a small pilot project will be launched in Belgium in September.
Though there are no signs yet of such a grave risk to human life, the European Commission is urging the 25 EU member countries to stock up on anti-viral drugs and the World Health Organisation is urging all countries to produce contingency plans.
ECONOMIST: The spreading bird-flu menace reaches Europe | The
The Commission was releasing its annual report on countries wishing to join the 27-member European Union.
Meanwhile, the European Commission is trying to create one electricity market across its 25 member countries.
The European Commission has urged other member states to check whether Bioland supplied firms in their countries.
Also on Thursday, European countries moved to abandon, for now, a proposal to order member states to stop and search suspected arms shipments to Syria, diplomats said.
The European Union, at least for now, generally has no power over tax policy in member countries.
Moving the motion Mr Hoban insisted that with interest rates for eurozone countries set by the European Central Bank, it was "even more important member states retain their flexibility to use other tools for financial stability".
Alexis Bowater, the chief executive of a British charity, the Network for Surviving Stalking, is campaigning for European Union countries to adopt a common approach to stalking: only 12 out of 27 member states have specific laws against it.
ECONOMIST: The internet allows the malicious to menace their victims
Among the wealthy countries called upon to finance the enlargement, only two member states showed how European they were yesterday: Germany, which is prepared to increase its already large contribution, and little Belgium, which is very Community minded...
The European Union (EU) does not normally let member governments insure short-term export credits to developed countries anyway.
Germany currently favors this long-run solution, despite justified fears that European bureaucrats would eventually use their Europe-wide authority against Germany with the support of smaller and poorer member countries.
FORBES: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Brussels Solution To Europe's Crisis
The European Union plans to raise the money with the help of the IMF so that funds are available to member countries when capital cannot be accessed in the markets.
Although UNASUR has served as an effective forum for dialogue and has helped member countries peacefully resolve a number of diplomatic disputes, the group has had less success in building European-style multinational institutions.
EU's enlargement to include ten new member countries, which took place last May, was sold as a golden opportunity to expand a European zone of peace, prosperity and co-operation into the former Soviet block.
Dmitri Trenin, a retired colonel turned pundit, says Russia should accept that its superpower days are over, and try to join countries such as Britain, France and Germany to become another big post-imperial member of the European club.