The European Parliament has voted for sweeping reforms of the controversial EU Common Fisheries Policy.
BBC: Euro MPs back large-scale fishing reform to save stocks
Voters in Croatia are electing members of the European Parliament for the first time.
Member nations are reluctant to turn their organization into a debating society like the European Parliament.
The Council and European Parliament have reached an agreement on single European railway area directive.
Peter Liese, of the EPP Christian Democrat group at the European Parliament, welcomed the court's ruling.
Under the German plans the European parliament, as currently constituted, would remain in place.
She added that she believed the European Parliament had "sided with animal rights lobbyists".
Euro-dreamers say a fiscal-transfer union could be built on the legitimacy of the European Parliament.
But for the European Parliament as an institution, it could actually be quite positive.
Five more prominent politicians all declined to run for the European Parliament, it seems.
Read more here at Democracy Live's guide to the European Parliament plenary sessions.
The European Parliament's agriculture committee is likely to vote on the proposals on 5 December.
The European Parliament has tried to get the opt-out removed, challenging the UK position.
And let the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament set minimum judicial standards.
It holds just four votes in the European Parliament, the same as Estonia and Luxembourg.
Sharon Bowles, who chairs the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee is appalled.
Luigi Vinci, a member of the European Parliament who attended the retrial expressed anger and disappointment.
Could national parliaments do it, or should the European parliament be given extra teeth?
He suggested that Conservative Members of the European Parliament were in favour of the EU package.
Years later, the 46-year-old member of the European Parliament still uses the same tricks.
The European Parliament has backed the plan, but wants it to include cheese too.
In June elections to the European Parliament will test the mood across the country.
Why it is anti-EU to suggest that the European Parliament does not work very well?
"Something has to be done about these billionaire owners, " Blatter told reporters at the European Parliament.
Farmers could be paid twice for measures to protect the environment under a European Parliament deal.
And yet the European parliament says a full three-quarters of big appliances must be recycled.
He repeated the message to members of the European Parliament at the start of this week.
They aren't signed up to the ideals of the European Parliament, like fairness and equality.
BBC: BNP rejects calls to curb its EU money as 'totalitarianism'
The European Parliament's disclaimer on the use of simultaneous interpretations can be found here.
None of the polls anticipated that the Conservatives would win the 1999 European Parliament election.
ECONOMIST: Labour feels confident, but the polls are not to be trusted