On her page on the Parliament website, her "special interests" are listed as Economic Policy, European Affairs, Social Policy, Welfare Reform, Employment, Families.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | What's in Ruth Kelly's in-tray?
Employment Commissioner Laszlo Andor told MEPs that the four bodies are vital in delivering European policies in employment and social policy areas.
BBC: European employment statement
He is a particularly strong supporter of the social policy aspects of the European treaties.
BBC: Geoff Hoon
But just as the American government used the constitution's interstate commerce clause to expand its powers, so the European institutions have exploited single-market rules to extend their responsibilities into such areas as social policy, welfare and the environment.
ECONOMIST: Fit at 50? | The
NATO, which has spent half a century preparing for war, how much more true of the European Union, whose culture of horse-trading (my fish quota for your opt-out on social policy) is poorly suited to the sober, decisive thinking needed to run a military campaign.
ECONOMIST: Defending the Union