Ireland's unemployment rate remained stable compared with a year ago, at 14.2%, according to the report from the European Union's Eurostat statistical bureau.
Retail sales across the eurozone have fallen for the second month in a row in March, according to the European Union statistics agency Eurostat.
BBC: Eurozone retail sales fall for second consecutive month
Labor costs across the euro zone rose by 3.3%, in the first quarter of 2008, according to data published by the European Union's statistical office Eurostat, in mid June.
The country's deficit last year stood at 15.4% of its annual economic output, said Eurostat, the European Union's statistics office.
Greece had an unemployment rate of 21% as of December 2011, according to figures from Eurostat, the European Union statistics office.
In economic news, the euro zone experienced deflation for the fifth consecutive month as consumer prices fell by 0.1% in October, according to Eurostat, the European Union's statistical agency.
On October 17th Eurostat, the European Union's statistical office, announced that consumer-price inflation in the Euro area had risen to a six-year high of 2.8% in the year to September.
Greece had the greatest increase in its unemployment rate of all the European Union countries last year, climbing from 14.3% in December 2010 to 21% a year later, according to figures from Eurostat, the European Union statistics office.
CNN: Greeks pay tribute to suicide victim who cited debt crisis
The data come from the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) and was published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
European exports to non-EU countries rose 12.7% in 2011, with exports to China seeing the biggest increase, up 49%, according to Eurostat, the statistics division for the European Union.
Faced with such objections, government statisticians in Europe and Canada have concentrated on a different approach, advocated by Mr Keuning and by Eurostat, the statistical arm of the European Union.
According to Eurostat, in 1998 the Netherlands was still only ninth among the 15 European Union countries.
ECONOMIST: BY INVITATION: The high road that leads out of the Low Countries | The