European Union member states are led by ambitious long-term targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The DPS does not cover deposits of branches of banks established in European Union Member States.
European Union member states had earlier agreed to stop importing Iranian crude from 1 July.
In fact, renewable energy production is dropping in European Union member states as a percentage of total consumption.
There is pressure on Turkey, an aspiring European Union member, to curb the twin evils of smuggling and trafficking.
ECONOMIST: The luckless folk who try to get to, and through, Anatolia
According to Rauch and his colleagues, Greek data are further from the Benford distribution than that of any other European Union member state.
However, in the report, the group said that approval rates for Iraqi asylum-seekers in the European Union member states vary between 1 and 80 percent.
These numbers are being repeated among other European Union member states.
He expected the leaders to come to a decision on Sunday, and to submit their proposal to the 12 remaining European Union member countries at another summit on Wednesday.
The EC refuses to publish its legal advice on an independent Scotland's potential membership, saying it will only do so if it receives a request from a European Union member.
Poland rode the first wave of the global economic crisis that began in 2008, and the following year it was the only European Union member state to steer clear of recession.
Other presidential candidate names mentioned by members of parliament in interviews with the Italian press include Monti and respected Radical Party leader and former European Union Member of Parliament Emma Bonino.
The prime minister said a key reason to be a European Union member were freedoms, such as the movement of services, goods and people and there were already restrictions in place.
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European Union member countries are introducing such laws, even though experience in America, where they are already in force, suggests that making older people hard to fire discourages companies from hiring them.
The paper backs US Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan's view that the policies of the European Union member states are to blame "for not using the new technologies to reduce costs and ditch protectionist ballast".
Next week the European Court is expected to issue a preliminary judgment stripping European Union member governments of the right to negotiate bilateral air-service agreements and handing the power instead to the European Commission, which handles other external trade issues.
Until now, Germany had been a key opponent to the creation of a large eurobond market allowing European Union member states to refinance their debt themselves directly via the issue of bonds guaranteed by the EU, or at least by the eurozone itself.
Barroso's comments come in support of Jean-Claude Trichet , the president of the European Central Bank, who raised the key interest rate for the Eurozone--the group of European Union member states which has adopted the euro-- to 3.5% on Thursday as his bank remains vigilant on inflation.
That led to one European Union parliament member, Sweden's Olle Schmidt, to lobby for a EU special delegation to go to the Sinai.
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Even within the European Union, member states are split in ways that have made it impossible for the organisation to form a common ministerial view.
Meanwhile, the United Kingdom, which is a major member of the European Union, but not a member of the euro-zone, announced this week that its economy contracted again in the first quarter, its second straight quarter of negative GDP, putting it officially in a recession.
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Last March, the European Union's member countries agreed to a binding target to boost overall renewable energy use by 20% before 2020.
By the end of March 2012 they want the European Union's member governments (ideally all 27, but if need be only the 17 that are in the euro) to sign up to an overhaul of the fiscal rules.
Substantial Foreign Interest in Defenses: It is these threats, and the advantages of space-based defenses to ameliorate them, that have caught the attention of the Western European Union, whose member countries are already exposed to short- as well as longer-range ballistic missile threats.
Last month the Commission wrote to 24 of the European Union's 27 member states, spelling out how each is infringing European railway directives and threatening proceedings.
How to compete and cooperate in what was, then, a 15 member European Union.
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The Commission was releasing its annual report on countries wishing to join the 27-member European Union.
Emissions from the European Union's 27 member states dropped by 0.7% compared with a year earlier.
In theory there is a single market, but in practice only 13 of the European Union's 27 member states approve of online gambling.
Meanwhile on Sunday, leaders of 15 of the European Union's 27 member nations met in Paris to discuss how they would tackle the financial crisis.