Coincidentally with the Eurostat release, the CEPR committee has also today declared that the euro area is in recession.
Greece, however, struggled to meet 2010 targets set by the EU and the IMF, especially after Eurostat - the EU's statistical office - revised upward Greece's deficit and debt numbers for 2009 and 2010.
However, the researchers tallied data (kept by Eurostat and the World Health Organization) for ten different countries, and found eye-opening distinctions.
The country -- one of four eurozone countries to request a sovereign bailout -- is also grappling with unemployment of over 27%, the highest in the single currency area, according to Eurostat, the Commission's data service.
European exports to non-EU countries rose 12.7% in 2011, with exports to China seeing the biggest increase, up 49%, according to Eurostat, the statistics division for the European Union.
The data come from the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) and was published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
In economic news, the euro zone experienced deflation for the fifth consecutive month as consumer prices fell by 0.1% in October, according to Eurostat, the European Union's statistical agency.
According to the Eurostat data, Spain saw the biggest fall, with retail sales down 10.5% compared with the same month last year.
BBC: Eurozone retail sales fall for second consecutive month
And they were counted as sovereign debt by Eurostat, the official arbiter of these matters in Europe.
As of May 2012, 53.8% of young Greeks were unemployed, according to Eurostat, the statistics division of the European Commission.
The country's deficit last year stood at 15.4% of its annual economic output, said Eurostat, the European Union's statistics office.
Figures from Eurostat estimate the number of people in the UK aged 55-to-64 will increase by 14m between 2005 and 2030.
Greece had an unemployment rate of 21% as of December 2011, according to figures from Eurostat, the European Union statistics office.
As of May 2012, 53.8% of Greeks younger than 25 were unemployed, according to Eurostat, the statistics division of the European Commission.
Belgian pensions actually tend to be less generous than pensions in other European nations, according to data from Eurostat, the EU statistics agency.
Eurostat, the EU's statistics office, said the eurozone economy shrank by 0.6 percent in the final quarter of 2012 from the previous three-month period.
Greece's debt figure shot up by 7.8% of GDP in 2010 when Eurostat, the EU's statistical agency, reclassified bus, railway and other public companies in the government accounts.
Faced with such objections, government statisticians in Europe and Canada have concentrated on a different approach, advocated by Mr Keuning and by Eurostat, the statistical arm of the European Union.
On October 17th Eurostat, the European Union's statistical office, announced that consumer-price inflation in the Euro area had risen to a six-year high of 2.8% in the year to September.
Eurostat, the EU's statistics body, estimates that last November there were 5.8 million people (23.7%) aged under 25 unemployed in the 27 countries, of whom 3.73 million (24.4%) were in the eurozone area.
Greece had the greatest increase in its unemployment rate of all the European Union countries last year, climbing from 14.3% in December 2010 to 21% a year later, according to figures from Eurostat, the European Union statistics office.
CNN: Greeks pay tribute to suicide victim who cited debt crisis
The Eurostat data agency says levels of unemployment now stand at 8.9% of the population who are eligible for work, up from 8.7% in February.
It is not certain that the black accounts set up by Eurostat were used for the personal enrichment of the officials involved.
Mr Solbes, as the commissioner in charge of Eurostat, is particularly in the firing line.
What Eurostat counts is the fees he brings in to his inner London bank.
In economic news, industrial output in the euro zone rose by 0.9% in August from a month earlier, Eurostat said, suggesting the region's economy was recovering gradually.
Recent economic figures may have given the impression that the economies of Europe were on a secure track to expansion, but a GDP revision by Eurostat has shown that the region is still very much at risk of stagnation and even relapses.
According to Eurostat, in 1998 the Netherlands was still only ninth among the 15 European Union countries.
ECONOMIST: BY INVITATION: The high road that leads out of the Low Countries | The
Annual inflation for the 12 nations using the euro fell from 1.7% in September, the EU Eurostat agency said.
Eurostat also revised upwards the total level of Greece's debts in 2009 to 126.8% of its GDP from 115.1% previously.