The other party would have acted even if the insider had not done so.
Even if the Treasury is disappointed, the auction may be good news for the 4G rollout.
Wall Street is, so far, wildly enthusiastic, even if the rest of us remain a little confused.
In Hong Kong, such loans are classified as "substandard" even if the debtor is still repaying.
The housing economy is doing fine for now even if the stock market isn't.
His minions would make new laws even if the Councils did not pass them.
And, even if the batteries die, you can still use the old standby: an actual key.
Moreover, even if the assertions are true what is the cost versus delivered value?
The rulings cannot be changed, even if the spouse doesn't end up earning the expected amount.
Even if the planet had life, scientists now knew, finding it would be extremely hard.
Even if the Syrian economy were in fine shape, the country would still have deep troubles.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Don��t Give Syria Life-support in Exchange for a Phony Peace
Even if the computers can handle the raw data, people must make sense of it all.
Being seventh after eight games isn't a disappointment even if the recent results have been.
Even if the technology does work, Gray said it won't completely halt a hurricane.
Some experts said it was possible that even if the reduced staffing persisted, the F.
"It's possible even if the train is not crowded, " he told New Scientist magazine.
Even if the fighting ends tomorrow, it will be years before the wreckage is cleared.
Even if the garment worker cannot afford, the middle management people will be able to.
So even if the euro zone's problems are resolved soon, the U.K.'s prospects aren't great.
There is very little chance of discovering the truth, even if the investigations are completed.
Even if the worst does not happen, Indonesia's chaos has been bad news for its neighbours.
Even if the economy dodges recession, the daily reality for many Britons remains tough.
Those seem like the right questions to ask, even if the conclusion is very early days.
And goodness knows that even if the economy stays buoyant, there are business challenges here.
FORBES: Trivia Question: Were Ford, GM Shares This Cheap Even Back in the 1970s?
You could imagine him wearing those clothes even if the photo had been taken in summer.
Even if the market was going there, we weren't going to chase everybody downhill.
CNN: Apple's Schiller: 'Old technologies are holding us back'
Even if the engine is optimised, however, the gearbox can still be a source of inefficiency.
There is no growth, even if the anti-austerians win and governments begin doling out euros again.
Even if the Double Density CD-ROM is cheaper, DVD is the format of the future.
Sadly, even if the tall guy has but a sapling, he still has the advantage.