Most Americans think decline can be halted, if it even exists in the first place.
However, there are a whole host of scientific and engineering challenges that need to be overcome, and even identified in the first place because nobody has ever built one of these reactors, and hence the plans are still only on the drawing board.
Other schools may be doing this, but the results are either not easily accessible (which defeats the purpose of even publishing it in the first place) or are not made public at all.
Or even whether Google's digital copies of copyrighted books are permissible in the first place, even if they never get shared.
You also have to ask yourself if you even need an app in the first place.
Why did you let CEO Randall Stephenson even do this deal in the first place?
FORBES: AT&T To Take $4 Billion Charge on T-Mobile T-Giving Turkey
But then again, some folks were surprised that we even started our campaign in the first place. (Laughter.) They didn't give us much of a chance.
The real question is why we are even having a healthcare problem in the first place.
In fact, many women don't even realize that they've got migraines in the first place.
Again, we haven't heard word one from Activision, and with over four months until this supposed date, things are likely subject to change (assuming these even came from the publisher in the first place, and weren't just magically pulled out of a large, black cap with frilly edges).
ENGADGET: DJ Hero spinning a $120 price tag, October 27th ship date?
Item one for the prosecution: a survey conducted by the influential Makati Business Club that found the highest court had fallen in esteem from first place in 1986 to No. 18, below even the national telephone service.
Why he's even attending this sprawling public school in the first place?
Many are uncomfortable disclosing the details of their finances in the first place, even more so when they're worried about disappointing their children.
WSJ: Baby Boomers Counting On an Inheritance May Have to Support Parents Instead
The argument against Mr Greenspan is that it would have been better to seek to prevent a bubble inflating in the first place, even if that meant raising interest rates before consumer-price inflation took off.
When you add to these burdens the extremely significant factor of personal liability in an age of corporate crisis, a disinterested observer might well wonder why anyone would want the job in the first place, even at higher compensation levels.
FORBES: Pay Hikes for Directors Should Trigger Clear, Confident Communications
In answer to your first question, in some cases doctors can place two or even three stents during one procedure.
But at the same time I think MLB should be held accountable for even allowing McCourt to own the team in the first place.
The institution that produced the coins in the first place does not even need to increase the money supply if anyone complains about not having enough coins.
That's not very reassuring for anyone skittish about linking their commentary to a Facebook account relatives might see, if they're even willing to join a social network in the first place.
Even a Syriza victory will thus probably lead in the first place to negotiations.
Anything that creates alliances has got to be good even if we get the actual details wrong in the first place.
And the flouting of fiscal rules was not the only, or even the main, cause of the problem in the first place.
People were promised radical changes and they expect to see them, even if those expectations had been unrealistically encouraged in the first place.
This might be even tougher than learning it the right way in the first place, because you have to unlearn all of the detracting things you think.
But why even consider brick-and-mortar retail in the first place?
FORBES: Google Says No to Retail Stores. How About Community Centers?
People woke up this morning to an AP story newswire story saying that Ford India apologized today for a series of three ads, even though they never approved of the ads in the first place.
FORBES: Ford India Apologizes For Advertisements It Never Ran
She says that while some customers might struggle to articulate their needs -- or even fully comprehend what they are looking for in the first place -- simply by looking at their daily routines IDEO's researchers can gain significant understanding of what can be done to improve customers' relationships with a particular product or service.
Consumer purchases ranging from buying a new car to purchasing movie tickets or seats to see a favorite NBA basketball team all help illustrate both the extent to which Chinese companies have entered our lives in America, and underscore the fact that typical American consumers, may not even know which companies are made in China in the first place.
But without the test in the first place, he will not even have the chance to make those intelligent and vitally important decisions and family conversations.
FORBES: Is The NFL Going To Test Players For Genetic Defects?