Even so, the upcoming primary feels very far away for most people in Milford.
Even so, travelling overland was the most awe-inspiring way to truly understand the immensity of our wonderful planet.
Even so, says Mr Ewington, the happy-clappy brigade often wants to run the whole show.
PeruRail invested in new trains, but even so its monopoly has been highly lucrative.
Even so, a delay to the PlayStation 3 would also have repercussions across the video-games industry.
Even so, he says he is looking forward to the withdrawal of international forces.
Even so, he has trouble reaching across his chest to get the seat belt.
Even so, the bulls contend that Berkshire will continue to be a long-term winner.
Even so, though mining profits are down because of lower commodity prices, profit margins remain high.
Even so, say the authors, the mechanics of death-spiral bonds were not necessarily the cause.
ECONOMIST: Lawyers turn their attention to ��death spiral�� bonds
Even so, some of the rooms will likely be repainted when the show ends.
Even so, some of my fellow-workers were amazed that I had reappeared so quickly.
Even so, many brand-name corporations face large class actions, including Cablevision, Monster Worldwide and United HealthCare.
Even so, experts say Gates is well regarded in Washington intelligence and military circles.
Even so, a Detroit comeback story seems a bit of a stretch, for now.
Even so, Mr Brown's comparison with North Sea oil highlights risks as well as rewards.
Even so, some agencies and their clients, find it difficult to get off the mark.
Even so, ChildLine said it was still unable to answer one in three calls.
Even so, the vagaries in the numbers point to the difficulty of compiling accurate statistics.
But even so, looking at my list, I think that I need to read more.
Even so, Etzler predicted that some would greet his proposals with ridicule, and he was right.
Even so, the housing market may not have a sudden big crash, as the stockmarket has.
Even so, over the past two decades Latin America's politics have become more inclusive.
Yet even so, the Metropolitan will admit anyone for as little as a penny.
Even so, the number of properties available remains at historically low levels, the survey warned.
Even so, Longley Alley and other analysts expect the epilogue to be anything but predictable.
Even so, your correspondent would like to know more about his pattern of electricity consumption.
ECONOMIST: The much-talked-of smart grid prepares to enter the home
Even so, the next big thing will be digital ads, says Tolu Ogunkoya of mediaReach OMD.
Even so, Black said his club were left feeling aggrieved by the process that saved Livi.
Even so this former Soviet republic still faces a massive task to prepare for Euro 2012.