"We have to be all in and I pledge to you that even though I am no longer in this race that I will be all in between now and November, " Santorum said.
CNN: Romney condemns Obama's 'assault on our economic freedom'
Even though they are weird, I guess you would say, and they do use a lot of sort of odd instruments, the songwriting at the heart of what they're doing is really strong.
NPR: Coldplay, Katy Perry and More New Releases
Even though the day is bright and warm, I ask you to indulge me to spend a few extra moments to think about what it means that we here, today, to mark the final Memorial Day of this century.
CNN: Transcript: Clinton speaks at Memorial Day Event
That - you know, I'm a Republican here in Florida, and even though I'm talking about, really, the Democratic primary, let's face it, the Republican primary is over.
NPR: Florida Weighs Options After Breaking Party Rules
And by the way, I just want to warn you, even though we now have every committee in Congress having voted out a bill and we're closer than we've ever been, this is when the insurance companies are really going to start gearing up, because now they're -- their stock went down when the Senate Finance Committee voted out that bill.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall in New Orleans