Problem two solved: a fairly simple silicone shower head evenly distributes coffee over the grounds.
Now the world is rebalancing - power and wealth will become more evenly distributed across countries.
No ethnic group makes up a majority, and Hispanics, whites, Asians and African-Americans are evenly represented.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Annise Parker: The Modern American Boomtown
The NFL splits revenues evenly among teams from national media and licensing deals like other sports.
Voters were evenly split in blaming Democrats or Republicans, with 25% casting equal fault.
With talent spread evenly, a few key players or a new coach can tip the scales.
Remember, wealth and power were pretty evenly distributed in the world until around the 16th Century.
Among independents, 49% chose neither, and Democrats and Republicans split evenly at 25% each.
Trade between the two countries has been growing steadily, and is relatively evenly balanced.
This means sales in various parts of the city were fairly evenly distributed, showing proportionate activity.
Divide the batter evenly between the two pans and smooth the tops with the rubber spatula.
But data show this summer's swings aren't evenly distributed: Big cities show the big drops.
While Detroit played the Ducks evenly at full strength, Anaheim's special-teams skill decided it.
In trials among 2, 500 needle users in Thailand, placebo and vaccine will be divided evenly.
And I think almost evenly split were improving or keeping what we have versus repeal.
Like many culture-war issues, attitudes about gun control pretty much evenly divide the electorate.
Of course, carriers do not deploy 4G networks evenly across a given metro area.
That was split evenly across two different doses of Acomplia and a sugar pill.
Married couples would share benefits equally, with the money split evenly between two accounts.
In an almost evenly divided Senate, that could be a hard number to reach.
Its ultimate goal is to have 20% of social housing spread evenly across the city.
Other economists challenge the report's methodology, especially its apportioning of wealth evenly between husbands and wives.
If you use evenly spaced values instead, the two models' outcomes will cluster differently.
The rest of the time is divided fairly evenly between Facebook messaging and posting updates.
Development and marketing costs will be split evenly between the two companies, as will sales.
The numbers getting help is pretty evenly split between self-funders and those who get council-funded care.
In the country as whole, opinion was evenly split, with 49% for and against deportation.
Before this the police in cities such as Johannesburg had been split evenly among precincts.
Dramatic increases in longevity and health coincided with rising and more evenly distributed prosperity.
When the heart is healthy, the electrical signal passes evenly from bottom to top.