No, the crucial difference is this: Provided the company match stays the same, the benefits of a 401(k) are earned pretty evenly over a working career.
With talent spread evenly, a few key players or a new coach can tip the scales.
Of course, carriers do not deploy 4G networks evenly across a given metro area.
Mr Gates replied evenly that a stealth torpedo attack was quite different from enforcing a coastal blockade.
It says its SoundVU technology distributes frequencies evenly across a room, producing what audio buffs call a universal "sweet spot".
They created a material that excluded light with a wavelength of one millimetre (the long end of the infra-red spectrum), using an array of aluminium-oxide posts that were spaced evenly across a grid.
The commonly used index of segregation, which measures the number of people who would have to move in order to spread themselves evenly over a city, shows that every large ethnic minority group became less segregated between 1991 and 2001.
In the long winters and cool summers wood would have grown slowly and evenly, creating a lot of stiffness.
But, by drilling a series of evenly spaced holes into the wire, Dr Lim has created a periodic structure with a band gap that blocks such light.
They have fought to a draw: voters today are almost evenly split over which man would do a better job on the economy.
One certainty that did emerge on Election Night was a more evenly divided Congress.
These legacy broadcasters have been tuning in (though in a not evenly distributed fashion) to what consumers now want and expect from their TV experience.
FORBES: By Putting Over-the-Air Online Legally, Aereo Clears The Way For ALL TV Everywhere
The responses were close to evenly split: just a few more saying now is the time to buy energy stocks than those who suggest waiting.
Dubbed as the Pro Controller, the wireless peripheral has a remarkably similar shape and button layout to what comes standard with the Xbox 360 -- albeit with a duo a of evenly-placed joysticks and Nintendo-focused function buttons.
ENGADGET: Nintendo teases Wii U Pro Controller, black Wii U hardware (update: video)
It plans to sell 70 or so a year, evenly divided between private pilots and commercial buyers.
The Aeron Full Feature Posture Fit Chair features back support, adjustable arms and a design that evenly distributes weight around the chair.
The battle at the top of League One was a lot more evenly-matched, which was part of the reason it was such an exciting one.
For instance, the process to increase burn and wound healing includes removing the dead or decaying flesh in a way that leaves a smooth, evenly thick surface for grafts and healing.
By now, many Venezuelans are ready to forgive, if not to yearn for, the good old days under Mr Perez, who though suspected of corruption throughout his term, at least managed to make sure the graft was spread a little more evenly.
It's a fairly sweet deal: The companies will evenly split development costs and U.S. profits on what could be a billion-dollar drug.
Responses were evenly split between those who thought a resolution would be found and those who thought a resolution would not be found.
FORBES: AAII Sentiment Survey: Five-Week High For Bearish Sentiment
The design includes measures to ensure that streaming media flows evenly without stuttering or halting, a concept just working its way into the Wi-Fi world.
Expect some of his European counterparts to follow suit if and when GM comes up with a restructuring plan that evenly distributes job cuts more across Europe.
Two-thirds of those still on the job say they will keep working after they retire, a plan shared about evenly across sex, marital status and education lines, the survey finds.
In an almost evenly divided Senate, that could be a hard number to reach.
Most bikes distribute a rider's weight evenly over both wheels, but this is neither ideal nor efficient.
ENGADGET: Engineering a better bicycle with DBC City Bike Design Alt
The essential ingredients of good open-plan office acoustics are evenly distributed sound-absorptive materials and a minimum level of background noise throughout.
Hartley manages to fill the field of his canvases evenly, yet they seem tied to a kind of depiction of crosses, checkerboards and even actual numbers.
WSJ: The Concrete Challenges of Abstraction | Inventing Abstraction | By Tom L. Freudenheim
Depositing the CIGS materials evenly on glass or metal foil is a lot harder than it sounds, and figuring out a way to mass produce thin films is another big challenge.
FORBES: SoloPower To Start Flexible Thin Film Solar Production in Oregon
Projects are spread rather evenly around the world, according to a September 2012 report from analyst Robert Jackson at Spanish bank Banesto: 29% are in Europe, 29% in Latin America, 22% in the Middle East and 20% in the rest of the world.
FORBES: Spanish Contractor Jose Llado Joins Billionaires Club