And it adds up to a significant accord -- one that takes us farther than we have ever gone before as an international community.
It makes sense with more people out of work than ever before as our unemployment rate remained at 10% in December and many projections for it to peak at between 10.5%. and 10.75% in the first half of 2011.
And those competing visions are going to be determined in this next election as much as they ever have before.
Thus, the flood of job applicants has to be strained more finely than ever before, as even unsexy firms find themselves with multiple well-qualified applicants for each position.
Cadets, you distinguished yourselves as leaders before you ever stepped foot on the Terrazzo.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Air Force Academy Commencement Ceremony | The White House
Tania Harrison, who has commissioned more shows this year than ever before, describes her programme as "a curious adventure".
"It exploded in a flash nearly 10 times as bright as anything we've ever seen before, " said Bill Cooke, of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office.
According to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, there are more women running for high office this year that there have ever been before, and nearly twice as many women running as Republicans than there were just two years ago.
But only days later, its chief executive, Wayne Lapierre, appeared before cameras as defiant as ever.
Yet under current tax laws, all of that counts as income to me before I ever see a penny of it.
More Americans are working for themselves than ever before, a trend that says as much about the future of full-time work in large enterprises as its does about lifestyle choices among freelancers.
FORBES: The Freelance Economy: Millions of Entrepreneurs - and a Vital Social Venture
Like so many other spots on the Outback Coast, this one seemed as if no one before us had ever visited.
Legislators and regulators will be forced to take notice as participants challenge, more effectively than ever before, both employer plan-gutting maneuvers and the very rules of the game.
FORBES: IBM 401(k) Participants Need Their Own "Shadow" Fiduciary to Guard Retirement Benefits
With the Olympics wrapped up until 2016, use these legendary moments as examples to build your business stronger than ever before.
Regulation and self-regulation of the brokerage and money management industries is coming into question as more information is getting to investors than ever before.
We now have far more precise data than ever before, and the ability to drill down as many as 1200 characteristics of product purchasers.
FORBES: Advertising Means Nothing If You Don't Have Predictability
Since just about every airline has been through some sort of bankruptcy proceeding, industry labor wages are probably as close to parity with each other than ever before.
And though all these challenges went unsolved, we still managed to spend more money and pile up more debt, both as individuals and through our government, than ever before.
So local courts do not even have the experience and the jurisprudence to try cases of price manipulation and insider trading as no such case has ever been brought to them before.
Silvio Pietroluongo, director of charts for Billboard, said the conundrum the music industry faces is that while albums aren't selling nearly as well as before, the music is bigger than ever.
Winning has made me more focused than ever before and I will be going further both as a journalist and as an individual, and I will always remember how being a CNN MultiChoice African Journalist winner helped me catapult my career that had stagnated for long.
You think being inspired by watching a TED talk is the same thing as being inspired by creating something no one has ever seen before.
FORBES: They Call It Freelance Because You Feel Like You're Working For Free
Of course, social media networks and new location-based services such as FourSquare and Facebook Places make it easier than ever before for brands to apply strategy to collaborative community marketing.
FORBES: On 2011, Rabbits and Collaborative Community Marketing
And because the world is, as a general matter, more complex today than ever before, with arcane technologies and difficult science underlying more of modern business practices, government regulation, and life in general.
Issuance of these loans exploded just before the crisis, as buyout firms launched ever-larger takeovers and banks engaged in a destructive race to the bottom, ceding a huge amount of power to borrowers and ending up with large losses.
WSJ: Current Account: Cheap Junk Leads to Expensive Mistakes
No one has ever probed that idea before, so the Kauffman Foundation taking it as a challenge.
FORBES: Finding the "Secret Sauce" to High-Growth Entrepreneurship
It becomes central to the Spotify experience as the service brings artists and fans closer together than ever before.
ENGADGET: Spotify reveals Discover tab, Collections and Follow social feature
It's also a fun time to be a gamer, as there are more games available for more devices than ever before.
Despite the AIDS epidemic and new strains of tuberculosis, we are, as a whole, less susceptible to mortal illnesses than ever before.
As China grows richer, its citizens are earning more than ever before.
FORBES: China's Investment Outlook Changing, But Still Tops U.S. As Money Destination