These rumors seem to pop up every few weeks or so, especially as the Republican Presidential primaries heat up.
Every few weeks I feel the need to warn all that at some point stocks are likely to plunge.
Every few weeks the freighter will fire its thrusters to accelerate the platform, taking it higher into the sky.
Fracking causes minor earthquakes (of the sort of size that happen naturally in the UK every few weeks anyway).
At the Harare meeting, a regional task-force was set up to meet every few weeks to monitor events in Zimbabwe.
Every few weeks since, seeming to coincide with a stock sell off, Hilsenrath writes another story promising an easing soon.
The iPhone is looking less and less appealing for me, with all of the cool things coming out every few weeks.
FORBES: Open Thread: Why Won't Android Crush Apple's iOS? (Like The PC Crushed The Mac)
New buildings are sprouting up along the banks of the Vardar river and a fresh statue is unveiled every few weeks.
In teaching hospitals like Stanford, the medical staff rotates every few weeks.
FORBES: Three Things You Can Do For A Loved One In The Hospital
Every few weeks on All Things Considered we check in with our audience to find out what kind of music they're listening to.
Every few weeks, it seems, I hear about a new study that reveals how online brand conversations are increasingly influencing consumer buying behavior.
Such suspense is rare in today's rapid-fire music industry, where emerging DJs often forego labels and albums, which can come with years of waiting, to independently release tracks every few weeks.
Olga only sees her parents every few weeks - the majority of her time is spent training at the Olympic base in Kiev, a six hour drive from her family home.
But these one-day trips will see Obama make multiple stops at locations that can serve to highlight elements of his economic proposals, the official said, and will take place every few weeks starting Thursday with Austin.
Europe is still mired in a recession and a debt crisis that tends to flare up every few weeks, while slower growth in countries like China was a big factor in a disappointing third-quarter earnings season.
FORBES: U.S. Lawmakers Talk Fiscal Cliff Compromise, Give Market A Lift
They introduce new items every few weeks.
FORBES: The Bizarre Reason Build-A-Bear Workshop Has Become Popular Among Millennial Women
In the latest outbreak of a rumor that seems to pop back up every few weeks, the tech news site The Register ran a story today that said an acquisition of OCZ by Seagate fell through over a dispute over whether recently departed OCZ CEO Ryan Petersen would get a seat on the Seagate board.
FORBES: No, Seagate Is Not Going To Buy OCZ Technology Group
Since swimming only takes the national spotlight for a few weeks every four years, fans can literally get exercise out of the pool through this new game.
Still, we suspect that caveat won't stop owners from rolling the dice on an update check for their TiVo every day over the next few weeks.
ENGADGET: TiVo Spring update brings new Netflix and YouTube experience
It will take place every three weeks for the next few months.
Almost every impartial Democrat concedes that a few more weeks of campaigning with Mr Edwards would improve Mr Kerry's skills.
Every day for weeks, she took a few minutes to jot down a handful of things she was grateful for.
After only a few weeks with it, just about every bit of content I disseminated during the day, which was not conveyed through personal interaction, was done through this phone.
It's hard to know where to begin with this, but Creative has confirmed that Zii EGG handheld we saw pass through the FCC a few weeks ago, and proceeded to slap every odd marketing term the company has come up with over the past few years on it.
ENGADGET: Creative debuts Android-powered Zii EGG for developers and OEMs
Mr. MAINA KIAI (Chairman, Kenya National Commission on Human Rights): The thing that strikes me throughout these last few weeks is the rush to claim victimhood on every site and that's a very dangerous, very, very dangerous trend.
But I suppose this is a fear that attaches to every stock that comes up under this strategy, where we run just a few weeks ahead of earnings reports.
And officials in Angola's Ministry of the Environment fear that they are seeing the de facto privatisation of yet another valuable national resource especially given the decision of a few weeks ago to award the Kissama Foundation the rights to develop every single national park in Angola.
For a few weeks there, we got accustomed to DirecTV adding new HD channels every week.