He said repairs were being made at a rate of nearly one every five minutes.
Every five minutes, the task is made more difficult by speeding the scene up another 3-5%.
"It's so easy to use... and they come up with a new function every five minutes, " he said.
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Her husband carried a GPS device, which sent a signal every five minutes.
Among its most creative features are a museum info platform and a cutting-edge entry list sent out every five minutes.
The last thing anyone needs is an endless stream of Tweets from you updated every five minutes on their Twitter dash.
Poor man, he was interrupted about every five minutes by admirers or well wishers, including my predecessor on X-Change, Quentin Cooper.
Broil the mixture for about 20 minutes, using tongs to rotate the tomatoes every five minutes until lightly charred and cooked through.
Every five minutes on Yahoo, some 32, 000 versions of the product go out, each with tweaks to find a maximum moment of interest.
The app can sense when a customer enters a store, and send a deal every five minutes while they remain in the store.
FORBES: Holiday Shopping Trends: Making A List And Checking In Twice
Certainly, Americans a couple of years ago were obsessed by the value of their shares, and seemed to look them up online every five minutes.
By 1944 its factories built a plane every five minutes while its shipyards launched 50 merchant ships a day and eight aircraft carriers a month.
The system does has some down sides -- It only updates every five minutes, so troops would still have to contact their commanders before opening fire.
Give us a sign of life every five minutes please?
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The two parks are to be connected by a 30-mile highway, as well as a high-speed train that will run every five minutes and transport more than 86, 000 passengers a day.
They don't want MPs intervening in active court cases or clashing with the judges every five minutes - and so there are detailed rules about what can and can't be done.
The pattern of seismicity has now returned to the level it was at before the ash and steam eruptions - magnitude three earthquakes are occurring at a rate of every five minutes.
"He phoned us every five minutes, " Iommi joked.
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For each sensor at the station site, 1-minute data samples shall be transmitted in CREX format via the public geostationary meteorological satellites (METEOSAT or GOES) every 5 minutes and every five minutes via the redundant transmission option.
It's a hassle, and it gets old quickly after you've installed your fourth or fifth channel -- even typing in login information using the on-screen keyboard and remote would be simpler than having to hit a browser every five minutes.
Simon Brooks, who formed the group, said buses only used the lane once every five or six minutes.
If I don't leave Bologna, I will never feel safe because we are still having quakes every three or five minutes.
In order to keep playing the game, our survivors are forced to hit zombies with flimsy weapons that will need to be repaired every five or ten minutes.
When you go to sleep, you don't know if the airplane noise is part of your dream or part of your reality, but you hear it every five or 10 minutes.
Sip a cocktail created by award-winning mixologist Stephen Martin (declared Best Mixologist in France 2009 by Cocktail Zone), and watch the Eiffel tower sparkle as its lights twinkle for five minutes every hour on the hour every night until 1 am.
Debates over who to pick largely occur prior to draft day, because teams will have only ten minutes in the first round and five minutes in every other to announce selections.
During rush hour, trains arrive every two minutes and off-peak, they arrive every five, making commuting and travelling around the city convenient to residents and tourists alike.
And, as I mentioned in a previous post, The Best Way to Use the Last Five Minutes of Your Day, I take a few minutes every afternoon before leaving the office to evaluate what I experienced that day.
And they spend five to ten minutes pitching every feature and growth opportunity they can think of, anything to convince an audience that they have the next big thing.
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