The wait list, every kid on the wait list is qualified to go to the school.
"We wanted to make sure every kid in America knew this movie was coming, " he said.
Instead, politicians are trying to push every kid in America into the current exorbitantly expensive system.
Every kid deserves a great school -- and we can give it to them.
Here's our idea: Why not put math puzzles in the e-mail of every kid in grade school?
We need to assure that every kid who goes to school in America knows how to swim.
The point is that armed guardians in schools (not Secret Service protection for every kid) are the answer.
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And every kid should be able to get a great education and be able to go to college.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a DNC Event in Washington, DC
Almost every kid in America had a TDN record, and almost every publication wanted to tell the group's story.
But not every kid wants to be a doctor or lawyer or physicist, and college is not for everyone.
Most colleges try to award almost every kid at least a token scholarship.
But at the same time, I thought that that's what every kid did.
Many have teachers who are overburdened and too stressed to find the time to help every kid that needs it.
Almost every kid in the world has run a sprint race, formal or informal, at some point in his or her life.
Every kid who watched Mr. Wizard (myself included) learned how to make a strong magnet with some wire, a battery, and an iron rod.
Not every kid in the world gets a chance to swim, twirl around the uneven bars, dig a volleyball out of sand or swing a bat.
We really mean it--every kid on grade level by 2014, and obviously that causes some discomfort, particularly as we come closer and closer to that date.
So the first thing is we need to make sure that every kid has an opportunity to have recess in their schools and to get exercise and to have P.
But our goal is to maintain the best spirit of No Child Left Behind, which is we want high standards, we want every kid learning, but we also want greater flexibility.
Every kid in the world who is not physically disabled has run a sprint at one time or another, either on the playground, the street, a dirt road, in a game, after stealing apples or to flee bullies.
This is about having some fun and getting more opportunity for kids to be active and to find a way that connects with each of them, because not every kid is going to connect to activities in the same way.
WHITEHOUSE: President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition
Imagine how different the world would be if we could not only use smart phone and tablet computers and the like to deliver every kid the education they deserve and if that education was built around this kind of pattern recognition.
And we sort of got this idea that maybe if these kids were excited about it and would change the way they eat because they were more involved and we were all working together, then maybe we could do it for every kid in the country.
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