Arkin and Cirincione would inexorably have eviscerated the credibility of that retaliatory threat .
In the Chicago Star, Davis and his comrades eviscerated GM every chance they had.
Too many bad games get eviscerated and then score a 7 out of 10.
Bill Bradley, whom Mr Gore eviscerated in the primary election, bestowed his backing.
On Wednesday, Verizon's Seidenberg eviscerated Qwest's efforts in a letter to MCI's board, pointing out Qwest's "junk" debt, "dim" prospects and "desperate" behavior.
The defense, which had been eviscerated by Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan and wide receiver Julio Jones in the first half, toughened up after halftime.
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But Thompson, following Canada's lead, threatened to buy the drug from generic makers, which would have eviscerated the value of Bayer's patent on the drug.
But as it turns out, the economic crisis eviscerated that advantage.
Brees elevated the spread into something of an art at Purdue, where he eviscerated a heap of Big Ten passing records between 1997 and 2000.
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But by the second quarter of 2005, Palm's lead was eviscerated.
Without the latter, entitlement programmes will have to be eviscerated, even if, as now looks possible, the defence budget takes a share of the pain.
"Mr. Kozlowski did not receive a fair trial because the evidence that could have eviscerated the prosecution's case was kept secret from him, " says Alan Lewis, one of Kozlowski's lawyers.
The classifieds business has been eviscerated by the online equivalents, display advertising is declining and so are circulations and circulation revenues: those are the three major revenue sources for a newspaper.
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If fashioning an open-ended, one-sentence mission statement is all it takes top earn cy pres settlement approval in our court, we have completely eviscerated the meaning of our previously controlling case law.
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Even more amazing is the fact that none of them seem to appreciate that they have a vested interest in shoring up the Constitution, not allowing it to be eviscerated, piece by piece.
According to blogger Brian Krebs, a group of hackers have eviscerated an underground hacker forum by posting database dumps of their private information and communication, including email addresses and private messages sent between users.
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Were American weapons on day-to-day alert to be dismantled or otherwise disabled, however, more than a "launch on warning" option would be foreclosed: The deterrent value of the United States' arsenal would be eviscerated since, as a practical matter, it would be politically (if not technically) problematic to restore these weapons to operational status.